hydrabus / hydrafw_hydranfc_shield_v2

HydraFW dedicated to HydraBus v1 / HydraNFC Shield v2
Apache License 2.0
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feature: bbio card emulation - uid/sak customization #13

Closed gvinet closed 3 years ago

gvinet commented 3 years ago

UID/SAK customization

Two commands added in python script example

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Low level script to show how to emulate an ISO 14443-A card
# You shall use https://github.com/hydrabus/pyHydrabus or https://github.com/gvinet/pynfcreader to have a user-friendly high level API
# Author: Guillaume VINET <guillaume.vinet@gmail.com>
# License: GPLv3 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/gpl-3.0/)
import serial

port = "/dev/ttyACM1"

ser = serial.Serial(port, timeout=None)

# We enter BBIO1 MODE
def enter_bbio(ser):
    ser.timeout = 0.01
    for _ in range(20):
        if b"BBIO1" in ser.read(5):
            ser.timeout = None

            # We enter reader mode
            if ser.read(4) != b"NCE2":
                raise Exception("Cannot enter BBIO Card Emulator mode")
    raise Exception("Cannot enter BBIO mode.")


uid = bytes.fromhex("DEADBEEF")
print(f"Set UID to {uid.hex()}")
ser.write(b"\04" + b"\04" + uid)
resp = ser.read(1)
assert resp[0] == 0x01

sak = b"\x21"
print(f"Set SAK to {sak.hex()}")
ser.write(b"\05" + b"\01" + sak)
resp = ser.read(1)
assert resp[0] == 0x01

print("Start Card emulation")

print("Get banner")

while 1:
    cmd_len = int.from_bytes(ser.read(2), byteorder="little")
    print(f"Len: {cmd_len}")
    cmd = ser.read(cmd_len)
    print(f"Cmd {cmd.hex()}")

    resp = bytes.fromhex("CAFEBABE9000")
    resp_len = len(resp)
    ser.write(resp_len.to_bytes(2, byteorder="little"))