hydren-crypto / stampchain

proof of concept for displaying stamp images
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SRC20 indexer have not open source? how can i index my local src20 token for test? #156

Closed weixuefeng closed 5 months ago

reinamora137 commented 9 months ago

This is an example of some very early testing that was used. However now the standard is to use 2 bytes to determine the length of the string so this will need to be adjusted (initially in testing this was one byte which contained the hex value to validate the length of the string)

from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
import json
import os
import binascii
import decimal

from arc4 import arc4_decrypt

rpc_user = os.environ.get("rpc_user", 'rpc')
rpc_password = os.environ.get("rpc_password", 'rpc')
global_rpc_ip = os.environ.get("rpc_ip", '')
rpc_ip = os.environ.get("rpc_ip", '')
rpc_port = os.environ.get("rpc_port",'8332')

rpc_connection = AuthServiceProxy(f"http://{rpc_user}:{rpc_password}@{rpc_ip}:{rpc_port}")

# tx = "6005ee8cc02e528e20c8e5ff71191723b0260391020862a03587a985f813dabe" 
# tx = "1db33fe19983d26d9e228169a9092f26eca52d62ae656e3b7a51adf9b339a4d3"
tx = "fc3aca4cc5119aa2aa0bbae959c61352af18000a40b848ecf1eba912f79c4635"

burnkeys = [

def decimal_default(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal):
        return float(obj)
    raise TypeError

def get_transaction_info_from_node(tx):
        return rpc_connection.getrawtransaction(tx, True)
    except JSONRPCException as e:
        return None

def process_tx(tx):
    tx_dict = get_transaction_info_from_node(tx)
    print(json.dumps(tx_dict, indent=4, default=decimal_default))
        rc4_key = tx_dict['vin'][0]['txid']
        rc4_key_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(rc4_key)
        asm_fields = []
        # print(rc4_key_bytes)
        for utxo in tx_dict['vout']:
            print("utxo", utxo, "\n \n")
            if utxo['scriptPubKey'].get('type') == 'multisig':
                print("asm_fields", asm_fields)
                # print("multisig", utxo)
                asm_string = utxo['scriptPubKey']['asm']
                hex_strings = asm_string.split()[1:3] # extract the first two hex strings
                print("hex_strings", hex_strings, "\n") # list of first two hex strings
                stripped_hex_strings = [hex_string[2:-2] for hex_string in hex_strings] # strip the first and last byte
                print("stripped_hex_strings", stripped_hex_strings) # hex strings without first and last byte
                data_chunk_hex = ''.join(stripped_hex_strings) # concatenate them together
                print("data_chunk_hex len", len(data_chunk_hex) /2 ) #validate length

                bytestring = bytes.fromhex(data_chunk_hex) # convert the hex string to a bytestring
                print("bytestring", bytestring)
                arc4_decrypted_byte_script = arc4_decrypt(rc4_key_bytes, bytestring) #[2:]) # decrypt the bytestring less the first byte / message length
                # i need to strip the first ttwo bytes from the arc4_decrypted_byte_script
                # don't decode the first byte, that is in hex and it's the bytecount
                arc4_decrypted_byte_script = arc4_decrypted_byte_script[2:]
                print("arc4_decrypted_byte_script", arc4_decrypted_byte_script.decode)

                utf8_decrypted_script = arc4_decrypted_byte_script.decode('utf-8')
                if "stamp" in utf8_decrypted_script.lower():
                    print("decrypted_script", utf8_decrypted_script)
                    return tx_dict
                    return None
        return None


# stpes to decode:
# 1. do a rc4 decrypt. 
# 2. take the first 2 pubkeySripts
# 3. parse each one of them:
#     (1)ditch the first byte and last byte. that would give you 33 - 2 = 31 bytes. 
# 4. combine them
# 5. after that you get a hex string. the first byte of the hex is "byte count of the message". 
# 6. do a hex to utf-8 decode.