hydrian / TTRSS-Auth-LDAP

GitHub repository for Tiny Tiny RSS's auth_ldap plugin
28 stars 21 forks source link

Login not working #15

Closed corux closed 8 years ago

corux commented 8 years ago

With the newest changes, I am unable to login via the web or android app. The message Error: 500 server error is shown. In the apache error_log this message is logged:

[Wed Nov 04 01:14:38.340735 2015] [:error] [pid 20120] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function ldap_escape() in /opt/ttrss-plugins/auth_ldap/plugins/auth_ldap/init.php on line 333

The ttrss error log contains these messsages:

Error   Filename    Message User    Date
E_ERROR (1) plugins/auth_ldap/plugins/auth_ldap/init.php:333    Call to undefined function ldap_escape()        7:06
E_WARNING (2)   classes/db/pgsql.php:69 pg_affected_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given        7:06
E_USER_ERROR (256)  classes/db/pgsql.php:46 Query INSERT INTO ttrss_error_log (errno, errstr, filename, lineno, context, owner_uid, created_at) VALUES (1024, 'Connected to LDAP Server: ldap://XXXX:389/ with uid=ttrss,cn=serviceusers,XXXX', '', '', '', NULL, NOW()) failed: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "" LINE 3: ...sers,XXXX', '', '', '', NU... ^     7:06

The last working version is commit b5a990c22466f308a68a65347129899e665f8a94.

I am using CentOS 7 with apache 2.4.6 and php 5.4.16. The accessed LDAP Server is the 389 Directory Server (from freeIPA).

corux commented 8 years ago

This issue is resolved with commit 7ec0839a5a403e731942dfcffed7c0329c4736e1 and #17