hydrobase / analytics

Analytics engine for the Hydrobase app
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Develop hypothesis testing module(s) #6

Open juanshishido opened 8 years ago

juanshishido commented 8 years ago

Use case example: comparing nutrient uptake in plants.


juanshishido commented 8 years ago

"Traditional" hypothesis testing (z-test, t-test, and F-test, for example) assumes the data (or errors) are normally distributed.

If the normal assumption does not hold for the data and the sample size is small, the results of [these tests] are not reliable.

We may be able to transform the data so that this assumption holds. Otherwise, we can choose "nonparametric" tests—e.g., permutation tests. Nonparametric statistics make no assumptions about the probability distributions of the data.

Permutation tests often rival or even exceed the performance of parametric tests.
