hydrogen-dev / projecthydro.org

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Open Call For Development #1

Open AndyHydro opened 5 years ago

AndyHydro commented 5 years ago

As we build out projecthydro.org we would like to put out an open call for contributions. If you have an idea for something to add to the site, please create an issue and we can talk about it there!

Looking forward to seeing what we make!

AndyHydro commented 5 years ago

@PierrickGT I know you commented on an HCDP task previously. We would love for you to contribute in whatever means you feel appropriate

PierrickGT commented 5 years ago

@AndyHydro thank you for the opportunity!

I see you are using React to develop the site and also some inline style declared in the App.js component for example. It would be better to use a library like styled-components if we want to implement CSS this way.

Also, I don't know how complex will be the website in the future but we could use react-router to manage the routes of the application.

Waiting for the design before suggesting any other improvements.

AndyHydro commented 5 years ago

@PierrickGT sorry just saw this somehow. I am not familiar with styled-components but seems interesting and could definitely be good. Also, we definitely were thinking about integrating react-router at some point. We have a landing page design almost finished up. Once we get that finished we can try to dive in more to the design aspects

cyphercodes96 commented 5 years ago

overflow scrollable on home page image

Image width exceeding body width.

Header width + positioning not accurate

check below image
