hydrogen-sailfishos / harbour-hydrogen

Apache License 2.0
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Cannot login: worker error during init #2

Open rinigus opened 3 years ago

rinigus commented 3 years ago

When trying to login, I am getting a message "Something is wrong: worker error during init". No useful output in STDOUT, as far as I can tell. Not sure where the logs are saved when corresponding log button is pressed in UI.

PS: Forgot to mention: SFOS PPS: Same on SFOS

thigg commented 3 years ago

Yeah the log is flawed. I got a version where I fixed it, but these were quite heavy (and ugly) modifications on the source. If I remember correctly, the export button is broken. You can try to run it with EMBED_CONSOLE=1 sailfish-qml harbour-hydrogen. That could give a bit more information.

Is this a 64bit device? I haven't tested that. But otherwise I am surprised, because the browser should be the same

rinigus commented 3 years ago

It is 64 bit device (Sony Tama family, XZ2). Actually, I should be able to test using Hydrogen from browser, I guess.

With the logging enabled (here it was immediately trying to get in with my saved password):

greHome from GRE_HOME:/usr/bin
libxul.so is not found, in /usr/bin/libxul.so
[D] onCompleted:580 - Warning: specifying an object instance for initialPage is sub-optimal - prefer to use a Component
JSComp: EmbedLiteConsoleListener.js loaded
JSComp: EmbedLiteErrorPageHandler.js loaded
JSComp: EmbedLiteFaviconService.js loaded
JSComp: EmbedLiteGlobalHelper.js loaded
EmbedLiteGlobalHelper app-startup
JSComp: EmbedLiteOrientationChangeHandler.js loaded
JSComp: EmbedLiteSearchEngine.js loaded
JSComp: EmbedLiteSyncService.js loaded
EmbedLiteSyncService app-startup
JSComp: EmbedLiteWebrtcUI.js: loaded
JSComp: EmbedLiteWebrtcUI.js: got app-startup
JSComp: EmbedPrefService.js loaded
EmbedPrefService app-startup
JSComp: EmbedliteDownloadManager.js loaded
JSComp: LoginsHelper.js loaded
JSComp: PrivateDataManager.js loaded
JSComp: UserAgentOverrideHelper.js loaded
UserAgentOverrideHelper app-startup
Attempting load of libEGL.so
=============== Preparing offscreen rendering context ===============
[D] onViewInitialized:16 - loading framescript
CONSOLE message:
OpenGL compositor Initialized Succesfully.
Version: OpenGL ES 3.2 V@415.0 (GIT@248cd04, I42b5383e2c, 1569430435) (Date:09/25/19)
Vendor: Qualcomm
Renderer: Adreno (TM) 630
FBO Texture Target: TEXTURE_2D
JSScript: ContextMenuHandler.js loaded
JSScript: SelectionPrototype.js loaded
JSScript: SelectionHandler.js loaded
JSScript: SelectAsyncHelper.js loaded
EmbedHelper init called
Frame script: embedhelper.js loaded
[D] onRecvAsyncMessage:27 - Message: "embed:contentOrientationChanged" data: {"orientation":"portrait-primary"}
[D] QMozSecurity::importState:243 - Security state could not be imported: empty status
CONSOLE message:
Security Error: Content at file:///usr/share/harbour-hydrogen/hydrogen/index.html may not load data from file:///usr/share/harbour-hydrogen/hydrogen/null.
CONSOLE message:
Security Error: Content at file:///usr/share/harbour-hydrogen/hydrogen/index.html may not load data from file:///usr/share/harbour-hydrogen/hydrogen/null.
CONSOLE message:
Security Error: Content at file:///usr/share/harbour-hydrogen/hydrogen/index.html may not load data from file:///usr/share/harbour-hydrogen/hydrogen/null.
CONSOLE message:
Security Error: Content at file:///usr/share/harbour-hydrogen/hydrogen/index.html may not load data from file:///usr/share/harbour-hydrogen/hydrogen/null.
JavaScript error: file:///usr/share/harbour-hydrogen/hydrogen/hydrogen-1847386029.js, line 9475: Error: worker error during init
CONSOLE message:
[JavaScript Error: "Error: worker error during init" {file: "file:///usr/share/harbour-hydrogen/hydrogen/hydrogen-1847386029.js" line: 9475}]
[D] onRecvAsyncMessage:27 - Message: "embed:linkclicked" data: {"uri":"file:///usr/share/harbour-hydrogen/hydrogen/index.html#/login"}
JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/LoginManagerParent.jsm, line 451: TypeError: cannot use the given object as a weak map key
CONSOLE message:
[JavaScript Error: "TypeError: cannot use the given object as a weak map key" {file: "resource://gre/modules/LoginManagerParent.jsm" line: 451}]
rinigus commented 3 years ago

Directly from web didn't work either - just blank screen. So, hopefully log is telling you something...

thigg commented 3 years ago

yeah, I have the same problem on my xperia 10 II. It looks like there is a difference between the XA2 and 10II (maybe 64 bit)

thigg commented 3 years ago

For reference, the same log on my working XA2:

$ EMBED_CONSOLE=1  sailfish-qml harbour-hydro
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
greHome from GRE_HOME:/usr/bin
libxul.so is not found, in /usr/bin/libxul.so
[D] onCompleted:580 - Warning: specifying an object instance for initialPage is sub-optimal - prefer to use a Component
JSComp: EmbedLiteConsoleListener.js loaded
JSComp: ContentPermissionManager.js loaded
JSComp: EmbedLiteChromeManager.js loaded
JSComp: EmbedLiteErrorPageHandler.js loaded
JSComp: EmbedLiteFaviconService.js loaded
JSComp: EmbedLiteGlobalHelper.js loaded
EmbedLiteGlobalHelper app-startup
JSComp: EmbedLiteOrientationChangeHandler.js loaded
JSComp: EmbedLiteSearchEngine.js loaded
JSComp: EmbedLiteSyncService.js loaded
EmbedLiteSyncService app-startup
JSComp: EmbedLiteWebrtcUI.js: loaded
JSComp: EmbedLiteWebrtcUI.js: got app-startup
JSComp: EmbedPrefService.js loaded
EmbedPrefService app-startup
JSComp: EmbedliteDownloadManager.js loaded
JSComp: LoginsHelper.js loaded
JSComp: PrivateDataManager.js loaded
JSComp: UserAgentOverrideHelper.js loaded
UserAgentOverrideHelper app-startup
Attempting load of libEGL.so
=============== Preparing offscreen rendering context ===============
[D] onViewInitialized:16 - loading framescript
CONSOLE message:
OpenGL compositor Initialized Succesfully.
Version: OpenGL ES 3.2 V@269.0 (GIT@1dcb581, I26dffed9a4) (Date:01/10/18)
Vendor: Qualcomm
Renderer: Adreno (TM) 508
FBO Texture Target: TEXTURE_2D
JSScript: ContextMenuHandler.js loaded
JSScript: SelectionPrototype.js loaded
JSScript: SelectionHandler.js loaded
JSScript: SelectAsyncHelper.js loaded
JSScript: FormAssistant.js loaded
EmbedHelper init called
Available locales: en-US, fi, ru
Frame script: embedhelper.js loaded
[D] onRecvAsyncMessage:27 - Message: "embed:contentOrientationChanged" data: {"orientation":"portrait-primary"}
[D] QMozSecurity::importState:243 - Security state could not be imported: empty status
thigg commented 3 years ago

I could not find anything so far. For some reason the Browsers does different stuff.

I could not find a way to figure out what causes the null requests yet.

b100dian commented 11 months ago

Is this still happening lately / from 0.4.x on?