hydromatic / morel

Standard ML interpreter, with relational extensions, implemented in Java
Apache License 2.0
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Grammar railroad diagram #135

Open mingodad opened 2 years ago

mingodad commented 2 years ago

With a custom parser to parse the JavaCC grammar for morel to produce an EBNF understood by https://www.bottlecaps.de/rr/ui we can have a nice railroad diagram (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syntax_diagram).

I also did a reorder of the rules (reverse then) to get a better navigable railroad diagram, copy and paste the EBNF shown bellow at https://www.bottlecaps.de/rr/ui on the tab "Edit Grammar" then click on the tab "View Diagram".

statementEof ::=
     statement  EOF

statementSemicolonOrEof ::=
    |  statement  (  SEMICOLON
    |  EOF  )

statementSemicolon ::=
     statement  SEMICOLON

statement ::=
    |  decl

namedType ::=

type ::=
     type6  (  RTHINARROW  type6  )*

type6 ::=
     type7  (  STAR  type7  )*

type7 ::=
     atomicType  (  IDENTIFIER  )*

atomicType ::=
    |  namedType
    |  recordType
    |  LPAREN  type  (  RPAREN
    |  (  COMMA  type  )+  RPAREN  )

recordPat ::=
    |  IDENTIFIER  ) (  EQ  pat
    |  )

atomPat ::=
    |  literal
    |  "_"
    |  LPAREN  (  pat  (  COMMA  pat  )*  )?  RPAREN
    |  LBRACKET  (  pat  (  COMMA  pat  )*  )?  RBRACKET
    |  recordPat  (  LOOKAHEAD  COMMA  recordPat  )*  (  COMMA  ELLIPSIS  )?  )?  RBRACE

pat4 ::=
     identifier  (  AS  pat
    |  pat
    |  )
    |  atomPat

pat5 ::=
     pat4  (  CONS  pat4  )*

pat ::=
     pat5  (  COLON  type  )*

funMatch ::=
     identifier  (  atomPat  )+  EQ  expression

funBind ::=
     funMatch  (  BAR  funMatch  )*

funDecl ::=
     FUN  funBind  (  AND  funBind  )*

typeConstructor ::=
     identifier  (  OF  type
    |  )

datatypeBind ::=
     (  tyVar
    |  LPAREN  tyVar  (  COMMA  tyVar  )*  RPAREN  )?  identifier  EQ  typeConstructor  (  BAR  typeConstructor  )*

datatypeDecl ::=
     DATATYPE  datatypeBind  (  AND  datatypeBind  )*

declEof ::=
     decl  EOF

decl ::=
    |  valDecl
    |  funDecl

valBind ::=
     pat  EQ  expression

valDecl ::=
     VAL  (  REC  )?  valBind  (  AND  valBind  )*

addValDecl ::=

recordExp ::=
    |  LOOKAHEAD  IDENTIFIER  EQ  expression
    |  expression

atom ::=
    |  recordSelector
    |  literal
    |  let
    |  fn
    |  ifThenElse
    |  caseOf
    |  from
    |  LPAREN  (  RPAREN
    |  expression  (  RPAREN
    |  (  COMMA  expression  )+  RPAREN  ) )
    |  LBRACKET  (  expression  (  COMMA  expression  )*  )?  RBRACKET
    |  LBRACE  (  recordExp  (  COMMA  recordExp  )*  )?  RBRACE

namedExpression ::=
     LOOKAHEAD  identifier  EQ  expression
    |  expression

namedExpressionCommaList ::=
     namedExpression  (  COMMA  namedExpression  )*

expression ::=

expression1 ::=
     expression2  (  ORELSE  expression2  )*

expression2 ::=
     expression3  (  ANDALSO  expression3  )*

expression3 ::=
     expression4  (  O  expression4  )*

expression4 ::=
     expression5  (  EQ  expression5
    |  NE  expression5
    |  LT  expression5
    |  GT  expression5
    |  LE  expression5
    |  GE  expression5
    |  ELEM  expression5
    |  NOT_ELEM  expression5  )*

expression5 ::=
     expression6  (  AT  expression6
    |  CONS  expression6  )*

expression6 ::=
     expression7  (  PLUS  expression7
    |  MINUS  expression7
    |  CARET  expression7
    |  EXCEPT  expression7
    |  UNION  expression7  )*

expression7 ::=
     TILDE  expression7
    |  expression8  (  STAR  expression8
    |  SLASH  expression8
    |  DIV  expression8
    |  INTERSECT  expression8
    |  MOD  expression8  )*

expression8 ::=
     expression9  (  expression9  )*

expression9 ::=
     atom  (  DOT  identifier  )*

match ::=
     pat  RARROW  expression

matchList ::=
     match  (  BAR  match  )*

fn ::=
     FN  match

orderItem ::=
     expression  (  DESC
    |  )

orderItemCommaList ::=
     orderItem  (  COMMA  orderItem  )*

aggregate ::=
     namedExpression  (  OF  expression
    |  )

aggregateCommaList ::=
     aggregate  (  COMMA  aggregate  )*

fromSource ::=
     pat  (  IN  expression
    |  EQ  expression  )

fromStep ::=
     JOIN  fromSource  (  LOOKAHEAD  ON  expression
    |  )
    |  WHERE  expression
    |  GROUP  (  namedExpressionCommaList
    |  ) (  COMPUTE  aggregateCommaList
    |  )
    |  COMPUTE  aggregateCommaList
    |  ORDER  orderItemCommaList
    |  YIELD  expression

fromFirstStep ::=

from ::=
     FROM  (  fromFirstStep  (  COMMA  fromFirstStep  )*  )?  (  fromStep  )*

caseOf ::=
     CASE  expression  OF  matchList

let ::=
     LET  (  decl  (  SEMICOLON  )?  )+  IN  expression  END

ifThenElse ::=
     IF  expression  THEN  expression  ELSE  expression

fieldType ::=
     identifier  COLON  type

recordType ::=
     LBRACE  (  fieldType  (  COMMA  fieldType  )*  )?  RBRACE

tyVarOptionalList ::=
    |  LPAREN  tyVar  (  COMMA  tyVar  )*

tyVar ::=

recordSelector ::=

identifier ::=

charLiteral ::=

stringLiteral ::=

numericLiteral ::=

literalEof ::=
     literal  EOF

literal ::=
    |  stringLiteral
    |  charLiteral

//< \(\S+\):\s*\("[^"]+"\).+

AND ::= "and"
ANDALSO ::= "andalso"
AS ::= "as"
CASE ::= "case"
DATATYPE ::= "datatype"
DIV ::= "div"
ELEM ::= "elem"
ELSE ::= "else"
EXCEPT ::= "except"
END ::= "end"
FN ::= "fn"
FUN ::= "fun"
IF ::= "if"
IN ::= "in"
INTERSECT ::= "intersect"
LET ::= "let"
MOD ::= "mod"
NOT_ELEM ::= "notElem"
O ::= "o"
OF ::= "of"
ORELSE ::= "orelse"
REC ::= "rec"
THEN ::= "then"
UNION ::= "union"
VAL ::= "val"

// The following are relational extensions:
COMPUTE ::= "compute"
DESC ::= "desc"
FROM ::= "from"
GROUP ::= "group"
JOIN ::= "join"
ON ::= "on"
ORDER ::= "order"
WHERE ::= "where"
YIELD ::= "yield"

LPAREN ::= "("
RPAREN ::= ")"
LBRACE ::= "{"
RBRACE ::= "}"
LBRACKET ::= "["
RBRACKET ::= "]"
BAR ::= "|"
DOT ::= "."
COMMA ::= ","
RARROW ::= "=>"

EQ ::= "="
GT ::= ">"
LT ::= "<"
COLON ::= ":"
LE ::= "<="
GE ::= ">="
NE ::= "<>"
PLUS ::= "+"
MINUS ::= "-"
CARET ::= "^"
STAR ::= "*"
SLASH ::= "/"
TILDE ::= "~"
CONS ::= "::"
AT ::= "@"
ELLIPSIS ::= "..."
QUOTE ::= "'"
julianhyde commented 2 years ago

Dev branch: https://github.com/julianhyde/morel/tree/135-grammar-railroad-diagram

julianhyde commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the contribution, @mingodad. A few questions need to be resolved before we move forward with this.

I'm not sure whether how this railroad diagram sits with the hand-curated grammar in https://github.com/hydromatic/morel/blob/main/docs/reference.md.

The hand-curated grammar doesn't have the extra symbols (e.g. type5, type6, type7) introduced to deal with precedence. It doesn't have the nice railroad arrows, but it's not difficult to read if you know BNF.

Also, going forward, I don't know how we would maintain the grammar.ebnf (by hand, or generate it from MorelParser.jj) and I don't know how we would generate grammar.xml (paste the grammar into the Railroad diagram generator site, download the XHTML file and commit, or generate using a maven plugin).

mingodad commented 2 years ago

The EBNF grammar generated from the parser is meant to help understand/develop the parser, it's true that the parser can have some extra details to facilitate parsing but without any influence on the end user point of view.

There is allays the possibility of parser grammar and "hand-curated grammar" going out of sync, for the end user a pruned grammar is better but for the developer the full parser grammar is better.

Also because the tool makes some simplifications/optimizations it also help refactoring the grammar.

mingodad commented 2 years ago

There is a possibility of generate the xhtml diagram offline using the available downloadable java jar program from the front page at https://www.bottlecaps.de/rr/ui -> https://www.bottlecaps.de/rr/download/rr-1.63-java8.zip .

java -jar rr.war grammar.ebnf > grammar.ebnef.xhtml