hydroshare / PuertoRicoWaterStudies

Collaborative research and public data distribution in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria (2017). This effort focused on distributing public data for the research and education on water systems in Puerto Rico. Our aim is to build infrastructure to prevent disasters like Hurricane Maria.
MIT License
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Health related Data Archive #3

Open ChristinaB opened 6 years ago

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

List of Resources

    • [ ] Collection: Geographic and Population Data in Puerto Rico
    • [x] shapefile: population density and demographics from census data by county
    • [x] shapefile: population density and demographics from census data by municipality
    • [x] shapefile: population density and demographics from census data by Block
    • [x] shapefile: population density and demographics from census data by Tract
    • [x] excel table: population density from census data Composite - Demographic US Census Bureau data
    • [ ] Composite - Population and Demographics owned by RAPID JupyterNotebook to plot selected municipality/county for 2010, projected to 2017: population & demographics
ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

I went to My Groups, PRWS, and opened the hospital GIS in ArcGIS with aerial basemap. It works! But takes a long time.

@jphuong - Question on metadata -

  1. Which keywords should we be using? Talk to Chris
  2. Add funding: Search NSF Awards - ours is at https://nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1810886&HistoricalAwards=false
  3. Add contributors
  4. Go to Related Resources, Add Source, Add Derived From - https://www.hydroshare.org/resource/0a613cda3ce34454ba6cacfc2c2d530d/
  5. Write up standard of practice for Collaborator audience specific to Puerto Rico Water Studies Group on HydroShare - add to RAPID paper writing issue
  6. Make public data public, do not explicitly add sharing to the Group (not necessary)
  7. Make Collection shared with Group so it is it displayed.
  8. Set license to the same as the original source, Select 'Other' copy into Statement and give URL.
ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

Write paragraph describing the 2014 data and changes that were make. Cutter 2014 - Geographies of community disaster resilience

Email Miguel about how we are doing this.

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

Make next list of options from Cutter 2014

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

Composite - Social Determinants of Health - Kaiser

Composite - Social Determinants of Health - IHME

jphuong commented 6 years ago

Census ACS GeoDatabases https://www.census.gov/geo/maps-data/data/tiger-data.html

jphuong commented 6 years ago

Population density from Census data https://www.census.gov/data/tables/2017/demo/popest/total-puerto-rico-municipios.html

The estimates by municipality are in this composite resource https://www.hydroshare.org/resource/6e0a616ec00d41429f4cbe4b08b44b0e/

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

@jphuong Let's work on a hierarchy diagram for the Data archive collecttion List of COllections Examples within the Collections

Let's finish the Collections listed above, and the coded Notebooks so they get added to HydroShare.

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago