hydroshare / PuertoRicoWaterStudies

Collaborative research and public data distribution in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria (2017). This effort focused on distributing public data for the research and education on water systems in Puerto Rico. Our aim is to build infrastructure to prevent disasters like Hurricane Maria.
MIT License
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Hydrology related Data Archive #4

Open ChristinaB opened 6 years ago

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago
ChristinaB commented 6 years ago
ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

@miguelcleon I am working on some maps for the field trip. Do you have a suggestion for the latest lidar or a pre-existing 30 m DEM I could use for terrain analysis?

miguelcleon commented 6 years ago

Here is the CZO LiDAR dataset: http://opentopo.sdsc.edu/datasetMetadata?otCollectionID=OT.102012.26920.1

I could share a 5 meter resampled of USGS DEMs with LiDAR I'll get a google drive link to share.

miguelcleon commented 6 years ago

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B8sRQJ2uLIjcN2llNEpLVnpBU1U?usp=sharing The 5 meter DEM based on LiDAR and USGS DEMs:


ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

Thanks! This is for the entire island?

miguelcleon commented 6 years ago

No just the northeast.

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

Oh... do you have a suggestion for Patillas area?

miguelcleon commented 6 years ago

I'd probably just try to find something here https://viewer.nationalmap.gov/basic/

horsburgh commented 6 years ago

@ChristinaB - there's always the SRTM data: https://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/srtm/

I haven't looked to make sure it's available for that area, but the resolution is probably 30 meters.

miguelcleon commented 6 years ago

yeah I've downloaded SRTM for the whole island.