hydroshare / PuertoRicoWaterStudies

Collaborative research and public data distribution in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria (2017). This effort focused on distributing public data for the research and education on water systems in Puerto Rico. Our aim is to build infrastructure to prevent disasters like Hurricane Maria.
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RAPID data archive paper tasks #6

Open ChristinaB opened 6 years ago

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

This paper will describe the process of the archiving process (DW, env, health), list of data products, and how to access the data.

Task 3. Data archival: Hurricane Maria Case Study (see also Data Management Plan). 3a. The following datasets related to Hurricane Maria will be assembled and archived in the HydroShare data repository: 1) CZO: Archive Hurricane Maria environmental data from CZO in ODM2 and HydroShare with Puerto Rican collaborators. 2) Health: Build support network for community health research in Puerto Rico: Almost Like Maria Case Study Develop data-use partnerships and research agreements between hospital and healthcare clinics to share de-identified data in a HIPAA-compliant manner. 3) Drinking Water Samples: Extend observation data model (ODM2) integration and design for use with water sampling datasets and clinical data repositories used for population health analysis. 4) Spatial Data: Roads, Safe Drinking Water Information System point locations of Community and Public Water Systems, Locations of 69 hospitals in PR, mudslides, landslide hazards, storm deforestation. 5) Satellite Data: Archive Hurricane Maria NOAA satellite and national weather service data for future hurricane and hydrologic research (e.g. Nightlights, Storm path). 3b. Scientific data stewardship: Describe how to make environmental and post-disaster data available and useful for health researchers. The goal will be to create integrated research collections, that incorporate features such as consistent indexing across space and time. This approach facilitates the types of synthetic analyses envisaged as part of this project. Also, the goal will be to develop common understandings of the research collection and the science across the specific domains which contributes to the development of new knowledge.

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

Start list sections for each type of dataset in the archive

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

See https://github.com/hydroshare/PuertoRicoWaterStudies/blob/master/HydroShare%20Co-authorship.docx