Closed HASJ closed 8 years ago
OK, checked the log and it finished the subscriptions and freed the program after 4 hours and thousands of errors with pixiv.
So I guess the pixiv downloader is broken.
EDIT: It is not but the errors still pop up in the log. The subs were a mix of booru and pixiv.
Starts at line 123118 client.txt
I recommend you keep your subs down to about 1,000 files maximum, so that if something goes wrong, it won't be a very big problem. If you haven't read my help page on subscriptions, please do, here:
If your computer is still having problems with this, or if it locks up like this in future, you might be able to get around it by disconnecting your pc from the internet. The errors will occur faster, so the client will freeze for less time, and you won't potentially waste bandwidth.
I looked over my subs code, and it looks like there is no polite delay after an error (which would give the gui time to respond to your commands), which is probably why your computer is locking up after a cascade of errors. I will fix this, and I will write some new error catching so that if a sub has more than say five errors, it will abandon its sync and try again later.
Log starting from update to v185
I set up the subs in the evening of the 12th and that is all that's happening since. I do not know if it's working on the subscriptions or if it's just locked up. All I've done is just kill it through the process explorer because is completely hanged from the moment-
Hmm. It's 08:01 now and the GUI showed some signs of life But this is all that happened the previous times too. What do I do now? EDIT 1: It also is constantly in CPU, I/O and network usage and new files are being added, so I assume it is running the subscriptions, the GUI that can't handle it for some reason.