Open CuddleBear92 opened 4 years ago
If I remember a conversation with prkc correctly then widget pop-out should be quite feasible now with Qt. So that plus something like #250 would probably achieve most of what you want.
I'm sorry but how does this differ from the panel that pops out when you double click an image in the thumbnail gallery?
@bbappserver Because like the preview panel in the main UI it would display the currently selected image from the thumbnail view, and change when you change selection without a double click. The Media Viewer doesn't do that.
If I understand this correctly, it would display the last selected image in the thumbnail grid, rather than having its own independent navigation, and it would lack those three hover panels. The media viewer is intended to be a single-screen interface. This preview window would instead promote a multi-window or multi-monitor workflow where the navigation, tag management, view of details, etc. is done in the page view that the preview window is linked to, rather than burdening the media view with this functionality.
Think there might be usecases for a dedicated window for previews. This way it will work with the gallery view to swap between files instead of just next and previous. This could open up to a more smoother way to browse files as you are not just limited to backwards and forward.
This should function much like the current preview panel we have in the lower left corner of the main client.... only as its own window.
Having it work with a tag manager just like the media viewer does (following the file displayed) could also be interesting.
This would be an alternative way to view files.
Having the file be displayed at the full quality like the media viewer would also be interesting. This should also push for a more multi-monitor setup and usecases!