hykilpikonna / hyfetch

🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ Neofetch with LGBTQ+ pride flags!
MIT License
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Add Xenia #197

Closed bhavyakukkar closed 9 months ago

bhavyakukkar commented 9 months ago

Describe the content

Add Alan Mackey's 1996 LinuxFox mascot design to distro art for hyfetch/neofetch


Additional context

This may involve restructuring, as currently the only non-distro art displayed is Tux when specified distro isn't found

BKasin commented 9 months ago
           !G@@^             .^7^                 
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        .G@@@@@P      .!5#@@@@@^                  
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                           JPJ ?G&&&@&Y:          
                           !7. 7#@&G?:            


BKasin commented 9 months ago

I just noticed one of her ears is missing whoops.

Edit: Okay there we go. Added the original image as well.

bhavyakukkar commented 9 months ago

@BKasin thank you for your comment, this looks really nice! my only criticism is that her snout is lost and I'm unsure of the dimensions, the average distro art (i measured for ubuntu, void & gentoo) was something like 20x40 characters.

I made a 19x43 one for the same picture myself with colored fg/bg, I'll comment them soon.

BKasin commented 9 months ago

Awesome! I'd be happy to use that art then. hyfetch/neofetch supports overriding the detected distro through the --ascii_distro flag (or in the ~/.config/neofetch/config.conf file). So it would be possible to add Xenia as an option without restructuring, as long as the user knows they can use her as their icon.

bhavyakukkar commented 9 months ago


I have it implemented both for:

bhavyakukkar commented 9 months ago

rewrite of a much better one already designed by ioletsgo:

BKasin commented 9 months ago

Sorry, I got busy with work until just now.

bhavyakukkar commented 9 months ago

thank you so much. I couldn't figure out how the .py in distros/ was being auto-generated so I had filled that one in too. should I close this issue or wait till PR gets merged?

BKasin commented 9 months ago

I'll wait for Azalea to say whether she's okay with me add the distros/ stuff (I'm pretty sure it's fine, but she might be waiting for a release) and then I'll merge it. You can mark this resolved though :D

bhavyakukkar commented 9 months ago

marking as resolved. so cool that it has been added to fastfetch as well

hykilpikonna commented 9 months ago

I couldn't figure out how the .py in distros/ was being auto-generated so I had filled that one in too. should I close this issue or wait till PR gets merged?

They'll be automatically generated on a release, and it's just for optimization so, it's fine to just edit neofetch.

hykilpikonna commented 9 months ago

Also you can use RGB values in neofetch as well! Like this:

hykilpikonna commented 9 months ago

Just added in commit 294805f0!

BKasin commented 9 months ago

Thank you 🫡

bhavyakukkar commented 9 months ago

thank you for adding both designs!