hykilpikonna / hyfetch

🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ Neofetch with LGBTQ+ pride flags!
MIT License
1.18k stars 93 forks source link

openSUSE Package #207

Open BKasin opened 9 months ago

BKasin commented 9 months ago


openSUSE has a straight forward process. Submit the package to OBS and get it building as an RPM, add any needed patches, and then submit to the project that best matches the category (it ended up in Utilities). Then make a request to Factory, which builds into Tumbleweed and then the next version of Leap. So hyfetch is in Tumbleweed and should become available in Leap 16.


openSUSE automatically adds python311- to the front of any package that is build with the Python process, so hyfetch will be python311-hyfetch in all SUSE repos.

BKasin commented 7 months ago

1.4.11 is awaiting merge into Factory https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1130852.

BKasin commented 7 months ago

1.4.11 accepted and in build queue, should be installable either tonight or tomorrow.