hykilpikonna / hyfetch

🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ Neofetch with LGBTQ+ pride flags!
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Rename the "neowofetch" command #292

Closed birbkeks closed 1 month ago

birbkeks commented 1 month ago

hyfetch has a "neowofetch" command to display hyfetch without pride flags to avoid command name conflict with the original neofetch command but there is a package that already exist with the same name, it was made 2 years ago.

BKasin commented 1 month ago

Are you referring to this https://github.com/exhq/neOwOfetch?

birbkeks commented 1 month ago

Are you referring to this https://github.com/exhq/neOwOfetch?


BKasin commented 1 month ago

That project started several months after neowofetch was chosen as a name for the script in this repo (30 July 2022 for this repo, 2 Oct 2022 for that one). This repo also has significantly more traction than that one and is packaged in major distros. I don't really see a reason for this project to rename.

birbkeks commented 1 month ago

if i have hyfetch and neowofetch package installed it only shows hyfetch's neowofetch, maybe instead of renaming it, adding an option to disable "neowofetch" command on hyfetch would be great

hykilpikonna commented 1 month ago

if i have hyfetch and neowofetch package installed it only shows hyfetch's neowofetch, maybe instead of renaming it, adding an option to disable "neowofetch" command on hyfetch would be great

Sorry, I didn't anticipate the potential naming conflict when I chose "neowofetch" as the command name. @exhq was probably not aware of my repo at that time either. Changing the command name in any repo would not make a lot of sense, since a lot of people would still remember it by the old command and be confused by why it doesn't exist after an update.

Also, I can't really add an option to "disable neowofetch" because different operating systems package neowofetch differently, and hyfetch shouldn't have control over the package manager.

With that said, you can make your system prefer exhq's neowofetch over hyfetch's neowofetch by either changing the path orders in the PATH environment variable or by renaming hyfetch's neowofetch symbolic link to something else (you can use which neowofetch to find the path of the currently selected neowofetch).

exhq commented 1 month ago

i indeed did not know about the existence of hyfetch back then. as @hykilpikonna mentioned you can make your system prefer the package you want. i dont think there's a need to change either since my neowofetch is not that popular. tho ill look into it if there's more request

birbkeks commented 1 month ago

i indeed did not know about the existence of hyfetch back then. as @hykilpikonna mentioned you can make your system prefer the package you want. i dont think there's a need to change either since my neowofetch is not that popular. tho ill look into it if there's more request

eh, i didnt know about both hyfetch and neowofetch before and when my friend told me that i could use neowofetch command as an alternative to neofetch and when i searched for neowofetch i saw your package and installed that, and had a few good minutes trying to figure out why it was different than what my friend showed. a name change or an option to enable/disable neowofetch option would be great to not have confusion in the future.