hykilpikonna / hyfetch

🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ Neofetch with LGBTQ+ pride flags!
MIT License
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Interest in receiving a Rewrite-it-in-Rust (RIIR) port? #296

Open teohhanhui opened 1 month ago

teohhanhui commented 1 month ago

Some of us from Rust Malaysia user group are interested in doing a hyfetch rewrite-it-in-Rust for fun during a hack session.

Just wondering if you (owner / maintainers of this project) would have any interest in merging it into this project, or should we keep it as a separate project?

Thank you.

hykilpikonna commented 1 month ago

Are you thinking about rewriting the bash (neofetch) portion or the Python (color rendering) portion?

If you want to RIIR the bash portion, there already exist many rust ports but none of them seem to have enough effort put in to be very useful. A good binary port is fastfetch, but that is written in C. I don't think the effort needed to maintain another rust port of neofetch would make sense.

If it's the Python portion, I like the idea! I will accept a PR if you can migrate all existing features. And please make sure that it can be compiled easily too (e.g. it would be nice if it don't depend on glibc, and can be installed as simply as cargo install).

In the meantime, I just published a placeholder package on crates.io to reserve the package name hyfetch to prevent trolling. :)

teohhanhui commented 1 month ago

Okay, I only took a quick glance last night, and thought neofetch in this project is entirely separate from hyfetch. (Our target has always been the Python code.)

But sure, we will do what you've suggested, where our effort will be most useful. Happy to hear that we will be able to upstream. We expect the hack session to happen in roughly a month's time from now. We will be using this issue to coordinate our efforts if that's fine by you.

teohhanhui commented 1 week ago

@hykilpikonna 1st step: https://github.com/rust-malaysia/hyfetch/pull/1