hylang / hy

A dialect of Lisp that's embedded in Python
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Closed agentultra closed 10 years ago

agentultra commented 11 years ago


A function that returns the implementation-specific representation of a Hy code object to stdout... so that you can see the generated Python AST from the REPL or a script.

olasd commented 11 years ago
(import ast hy.compiler)

(defn disassemble [tree]
 (defn fix [tree]
  (if (isinstance tree list)
   (for [x tree]
    (fix x)))
  (setv tree.start_line 1)
  (setv tree.start_column 1)
  (setv tree.end_line 1)
  (setv tree.end_column 1))
 (fix tree)
 (ast.dump (hy.compiler.hy_compile tree)))

(print (disassemble (quote (print ((fn [] (if x y z)))))))


Module(body=[FunctionDef(name='_hy_anon_fn_1', args=arguments(args=[], vararg=None, kwarg=None, defaults=[]), body=[Return(value=IfExp(test=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()), body=Name(id='y', ctx=Load()), orelse=Name(id='z', ctx=Load())))], decorator_list=[]), Print(dest=None, values=[Call(func=Name(id='_hy_anon_fn_1', ctx=Load()), args=[], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None)], nl=True)])

On my refactor/compiler branch. That works on master too, but that particular construct yields a buggy ast AFAICT.

So that could be added to the (not yet existing) stdlib?

agentultra commented 10 years ago

I think DISASSEMBLE returns None (or NIL in CL parlance) and prints its output to the stdout stream. +1 for pretty-printing as well.

paultag commented 10 years ago
