Currently, the hy project description is 'ὑμήνπτερόν', which is apparently (ancient?) greek for Hymenoptera from which the project derives its name. I only found this out because when you google that word you can find @paultag mentioning it on twitter. This is more of a riddle than a description of the project. I appreciate that the description also links to, but I think something more descriptive would be nice to have (for github search results, etc).
I propose it be changed to something like "A dialect of Lisp that's embedded in Python", taken from
Currently, the hy project description is 'ὑμήνπτερόν', which is apparently (ancient?) greek for Hymenoptera from which the project derives its name. I only found this out because when you google that word you can find @paultag mentioning it on twitter. This is more of a riddle than a description of the project. I appreciate that the description also links to, but I think something more descriptive would be nice to have (for github search results, etc).
I propose it be changed to something like "A dialect of Lisp that's embedded in Python", taken from