I would like to have any way to change the native-transcoder to (latin-1-codec).
The rationale is that there are many legacy systems that work with some Latin
encoding in thousands of file.
If one had a way to call (native-transcoder latin-1-codec) or similar,
one could easily port such systems from R5RS to R6RS. It seems to be
a deficiency in R6Rs, but why should not a major R6RS implementation
like Ikarus does not exercise how to solve the deficiency?
Launchpad Details: #LP500722 Sven Hartrumpf - 2009-12-27 04:11:03 -0500
I would like to have any way to change the native-transcoder to (latin-1-codec). The rationale is that there are many legacy systems that work with some Latin encoding in thousands of file. If one had a way to call (native-transcoder latin-1-codec) or similar, one could easily port such systems from R5RS to R6RS. It seems to be a deficiency in R6Rs, but why should not a major R6RS implementation like Ikarus does not exercise how to solve the deficiency?
Launchpad Details: #LP500722 Sven Hartrumpf - 2009-12-27 04:11:03 -0500