hynek / doc2dash

Create docsets for Dash.app-compatible API browsers.
MIT License
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Allow GitHub paths for docset generation. #171

Closed spott closed 10 months ago

spott commented 11 months ago

Instead of requiring the workflow of cloning repo, building docs, then doing doc2dash, instead allow for the workflow of pointing at a GitHub repo and having doc2dash clone, build and do the doc conversion all at once.

Other options involve pointing at GitHub pages for documentation (so the build doesn't need to happen), or doing a pip install and build docs from that. But some process that allows the input to not be a local copy of the source for the documentation would be ideal.

I realize that there is likely a number of edge cases in building documentation that might make this hard/impossible in the general case, but I think it might be doable for something like general python documentation that uses sphynx, or that has a GitHub pages site without too much effort (though I could be very wrong here).

hynek commented 10 months ago

What you're asking for here, complexity-wise, an entirely new application that, as a final step, invokes doc2dash after handling a ton of jank. I mean, it would be great, if sOmEoNe built that, but I don't have the bandwidth for it.