hyochan / react-native-audio-recorder-player

react-native native module for audio recorder and player.
MIT License
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record to wav format ios #515

Open immocalcul opened 1 year ago

immocalcul commented 1 year ago

"Hello, I have been unsuccessfully trying to save my record in WAV format on iOS. Is this something that's possible, or do we absolutely have to use the M4A format?

georgetk commented 1 year ago

@immocalcul , you can use ffmpeg-kit-react-native to convert the audio file to wav format.

import {FFmpegKit, ReturnCode} from 'ffmpeg-kit-react-native';

const recordedAudioPath = await audioRecorderPlayer.stopRecorder();

const wavFilePath = `${

const command = `-i ${recordedAudioPath} -vn -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 16000 -ac 1 -b:a 256k ${wavFilePath}`;

const session = await FFmpegKit.execute(command);

    // Return code for completed sessions.
    // Will be undefined if session is still running or FFmpegKit fails to run it

const returnCode = await session.getReturnCode();

if (ReturnCode.isSuccess(returnCode)) {
      const exists = await RNFS.exists(wavFilePath);
      console.log('exists ', exists);

      if (exists) {
         // do your stuff with the wav audio file
JohnGoodman commented 1 month ago

A bit late here, but in case someone is looking, I was able to get IOS to save as a wav with this configuration:

const path = Platform.select({
      ios: `file://${recordingDirectory}/${fileName}.wav`,
      android: `data/user/0/com.flow_app/cache/${fileName}.mp4`,

const audioSet = {
      AudioSamplingRateAndroid: 44100,
      AVEncoderAudioQualityKeyIOS: 'low',
      AVFormatIDKeyIOS: 'wav',
      AVNumberOfChannelsKeyIOS: 2