hyochan / react-native-iap

In App Purchase module for React Native!
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getAvailablePurchases returns also expired purchases on iOS. So, how can I get a user's current active subscription in iOS? #2551

Open Robiullah2244 opened 1 year ago

Robiullah2244 commented 1 year ago

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getAvailablePurchases returns also expired purchases on iOS. So, how can I get a user's current active subscription in iOS?

Expected Behavior

Like Android, getAvailablePurchases must return only the active purchases.


bitfabrikken commented 1 year ago

Sadly it's always been quite cumbersome on iOS.

Easiest way is to send off a receipt to your server, then have it ask Apple if it's expired or not. Today you would use the App Store Server API, and the endpoint /v1/transactions/{transactionId} The old API is deprecated.

You could also validate it in-app, by decrypting the receipt, but that's not exactly easy. At least I have no clue how to do it: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstorereceipts/validating_receipts_on_the_device

But now that Storekit2 is implemented in react-native-iap, you can look at transaction.expirationDate via transactionListener and do a simple epoch comparison. And maybe for good measure validate it on your server too.

Also maybe see https://react-native-iap.dooboolab.com/docs/guides/receipts if you haven't.

Writing all this hoping someone can prove me wrong. Would kill for something easy like Android's purchaseState.

bitfabrikken commented 1 year ago

@Robiullah2244 Have you tried this?

purchases = await RNIap.getAvailablePurchases({
    onlyIncludeActiveItems: true,
Robiullah2244 commented 1 year ago

@Robiullah2244 Have you tried this?

purchases = await RNIap.getAvailablePurchases({
    onlyIncludeActiveItems: true,

Hi @bitfabrikken, Thanks and yes, I already tried it. Also, the parameter is by default true. No luck.

cervebar commented 1 year ago

This code really works but only with StoreKit 2. If you are using Storekit 1 ... you are well ... we can call it unlucky ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡° ).

const activeSubscription = await getAvailablePurchases({onlyIncludeActiveItems: true})

To get it work you have to configure at start that you want to use it only with Storekit 2:

setup({storekitMode: 'STOREKIT2_MODE'})

and declare your app supports only iOS 15+ in your project.pbxproj -> IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 15.0; .

Don't support Storekit 1 (iOS <15) and your life will be much much easier.

If your app is already in your production -> The major task is also to convince your product team. Tip how to do that is: if you are using Firebase Analytics -> list how many of your users are using old iOS, I can expect it will be minority, iOS users are generally good at keeping their phone up-to-date.

crrobinson14 commented 1 year ago

@cervebar This doesn't appear to be an option yet in the SDK? Is there a pending release this flag will be included in?


crrobinson14 commented 1 year ago

Please disregard. This is an option in the bae SDK getAvailablePurchases()method but NOT in the one returned by the useIAP() hook.

dabit3 commented 1 year ago

I don't know if this is the best approach, but I'm fetching the purchase history, sorting by date, then trying to verify the most recent subscription id on the server

I also don't know the difference between purchaseHistory and availablePurchases so if anyone has any details please share 😅

cervebar commented 1 year ago


we don't use the hook version (from useIap.ts), because it doesn't pass this parameter, but call directly (from file iap.ts)

import {
} from 'react-native-iap'