hype / HYPE_Processing

HYPE for Processing
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Null Pointer Exception #92

Closed prtysh closed 9 years ago

prtysh commented 9 years ago

Getting error whenever trying to run any example code provided for in Joshua's site- for HCanvas.

HYPE.pde:1:0:1:0: NullPointerException

When trying to run in Processing it says: Syntax error on(s) misplaced construct(s) - Tab=build, Line=2 Error on "}" - Tab=HYPE, Line= 2

Is this issue known?

hype commented 9 years ago

yes this is a known error... as this is something that has broken with the newest release of P6beta... and... has been fixed in our "library" branch... which we're working on as we speak.



prtysh commented 9 years ago

I see, been dying over here trying to get the canvas working, because who likes the fade in the normal stage. And it is weird seeing your video in one tab - and getting your reply in another :)

prtysh commented 9 years ago

It was raised already, my bad.

prtysh commented 9 years ago

I am still not able to get it to work. Unzipped everything from the Library version, and pasted to the /Processing/libraries, so the dir structure looks as mentioned in installation instructions.

[01:42 @ Pratyush ../HYPE ]$ pwd /Users/Pratyush/Documents/Processing/libraries/HYPE [01:42 @ Pratyush ../HYPE ]$ ls CHANGELOG.md README.md distribution/ library/ reference/ src/ LICENSE.txt data/ examples/ library.properties resources/

hype commented 9 years ago

howdy - so you are catching us right at the exact moment we're rocking new things... so let me help...

  1. https://github.com/hype/HYPE_Processing/tree/library download zip
  2. unzip HYPE_Processing-library.zip
  3. navigate to "distribution"
  4. unzip HYPE.zip
  5. move HYPE folder to /Documents/Processing/libraries

until I package up all the new examples... create a test sketch with the following

import hype.*;

HCanvas canvas;
HRect   rect;

void setup() {

    canvas = new HCanvas().autoClear(false).fade(5);

    canvas.add( rect = new HRect(50).rounding(5) ).noStroke().fill(#FF3300).rotate(45);

void draw() {
    rect.loc( (int)random(width), (int)random(height));

literally yesterday and today - I've been migrate the new examples with this new structure. Hopefully will have everything buttoned up by tomorrow.

prtysh commented 9 years ago

Okay. So, I got this to work from #87 solution, moving the lines

hype commented 9 years ago

awesome !

prtysh commented 9 years ago

lemme try this too, in that case. Been spending quite a few sleepless nights.

prtysh commented 9 years ago

nope earlier I had done these exact steps. That does not work- only changing the lines seems to do this for now.

hype commented 9 years ago

just to be clear... you're not using HYPE.pde anymore.

prtysh commented 9 years ago

ah no, but I am. Following your skillshare session... So I guess, this is something above the HYPE.pde and is aimed at replacing the need to hold the pde file in the build dir.

hype commented 9 years ago


my classes are coded against Processing 2.2.1 - knowing were moving into Processing 3 beta

we knew some stuff was going to break... so either you have to use HYPE.pde with processing 2.2.1 - or move into using Processing 3 beta but with HYPE as a proper Processing library HYPE.jar... in which case HYPE.pde wont be used. but you'll have to add import at the top of your sketch (like most Processing Libraries work)

why ?

well since Processing is moving away from ProcessingJS - there is no need to keep rocking HYPE as a HYPE.pde setup.


prtysh commented 9 years ago

Ah I see. I have not used processing before the class, Let me read up some and then hopefully move to Processing 3 with the jar library.

Thanks for the help !! :D

prtysh commented 9 years ago

Never mind,

I understood how the import statement works. Able to load the libraries. I had done correct steps- but did not know that I had to add import statement, given I was using HYPE.pde. I feel less complicated now :)

prtysh commented 9 years ago

10x thanks.