hypebright / brackets

Wrapper around brackets-viewer.js: a simple library to display tournament brackets
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Is there any way I could customize the Columns Provided to show Team//Score #3

Open sree1658 opened 1 month ago

sree1658 commented 1 month ago

HiTeam, bracketsViewer(tennis_data, roundWidth = 300) - Allows me to adjust the size of the columns - I wanted to know if there are any functions in built which would allow me to customize the size for Team/Score - I want to show the match status instead of score - which is a text - although I am able to show the results - it is not aligned properly. Sample table attached for your reference.

Thanks in Advance Sreeram bracket_table_issue

hypebright commented 1 month ago

Thanks @sree1658 - there's no functionality for this yet but I think this is a good idea. Will work on it 👍