hyperandroid / CAAT

Canvas Advanced Animation Toolkit
MIT License
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Use of addImage #92

Closed alexac1970 closed 11 years ago

alexac1970 commented 11 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to use director.addImage function to add a new image as explained in http://labs.hyperandroid.com/static/CAAT-Samples/tutorials/t4-3.html

It's not working for me. I get an "Uncaught TypeError: Type error" message in the console when i try to use the image. These are the relevant lines:

 director.addImage("imagenIlusion", "imagenes/colores.jpg", false);
 var imagenIlusion = new CAAT.Actor().setBackgroundImage(director.getImage("imagenIlusion"), false ).setBounds(10, 10, 20, 20);

Do i need to call setImagesCache? Also, is there a way to know when the image is ready to use?


vkbsb commented 11 years ago

You have to load the Image first before adding it to the director.. new CAAT.ImagePreloader().loadImages( [ {id:'imagenIlusion', url:'imagenes/colores.jpg'} ], function( counter, images ) { if ( counter==images.length ) { director.addImage('imagenIlusion', images[0], false); } }

hyperandroid commented 11 years ago

Check any demos sample which uses images. What VKBSB says is completely right. Regards,