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[Feature] Create Binaries #187

Open ghbjklhv opened 5 years ago

ghbjklhv commented 5 years ago

Feature: Create Binaries The Issue: Many users may not even know how to open a terminal let alone follow the installation instructions for major operating systems like Debian. The Solution: Create one-click installs (or at least fewer clicks) Here are some binary formats for popular OSes:

Name Extension OS(es)
Deb .deb Debian and Debian Based Distro(s)
Tarball NixOS, Arch Linux, Slackware, Linux, BSD, Other
RPM Package Manager .rpm Redhat and Redhat based Distro(s)
YMP File .ymp OpenSuse
Executable .exe DOS, OpenVMS, Microsoft Windows, Symbian, OS/2
Apple Disk Image .dmg MacOS
Android Application Package .apk Android and Android-based OSes

One possible option is using the Open Build Service as it supports many popular OSes.