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CentOS 6 groupinstall command that works, adjust README #188

Open slrslr opened 4 years ago

slrslr commented 4 years ago

Hello, in https://github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns README is mentioned command: sudo yum install @development-tools

but on my CentOS 6, that command ends in error: "Warning: Group development-tools does not exist."

# yum -v grouplist | grep -i devel Additional Development (additional-devel) Development tools (development)

Here i am pasting what are packages in these groups: https://pastebin.com/K8mNhbZz

Can you please consider updating the README to reflect other possible commands? these:

yum groupinstall "Development tools" yum groupinstall development (unsure which one contains required packages for CJDNS)