Open lovelynamess opened 4 years ago
ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved
The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: http://[fc18:cd5:92ad:5ed6:9960:ad6f:d723:b971]/
Connection to fc18:cd5:92ad:5ed6:9960:ad6f:d723:b971 failed.
The system returned: (101) Network is unreachable
The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.
Your cache administrator is webmaster.
Hope kind people can help me
Be more specific.
What peers/friends did you use (connectTo
)? I was capable of accessing http://[fc18:cd5:92ad:5ed6:9960:ad6f:d723:b971]/ .
If you haven't used any peers yet, pick one in . A few are down, so keep trying until one works and use multiple peers just in case.
I could peer with you if you like. I will provide you with my credentials, one second.
500 Internal Privoxy Error
Privoxy encountered an error while processing your request:
Could not load template file forwarding-failed or one of its included components.
Please contact your proxy administrator.
If you are the proxy administrator, please put the required file(s)in the (confdir)/templates directory. The location of the (confdir) directory is specified in the main Privoxy config file. (It's typically the Privoxy install directory).
When I configured to open the browser correctly, I used the address on the map: http: // [fc18: cd5: 92ad: 5ed6: 9960: ad6f: d723: b971], and the above error occurred. thing?
hello I encountered some problems entering hyperboria