Running test RouteGen_test----- cjdns memory snapshot -----
RouteGen_test.c:117 [13016] bytes
RouteGen_test.c:107 [104216] bytes
| RouteGen.c:538 [881736] bytes
| | RouteGen.c:312 [104] bytes at [0x557fa6c05770]
[...lots of lines...]
RouteGen_test.c:117 [224] bytes at [0x557fa6ac05f0]
totalBytes [1048800] remaining [8]
----- end cjdns memory snapshot -----
ArrayList.c:72 Fatal error: [Out of memory, limit exceeded.]
Ubuntu 18.04.2 and 20.04 have this same problem building from master.
I worked around this on Ubuntu 18.04.2 using cjdns v20.2, but v20.2 does not build on Ubuntu 20.04 due to other problems including incompatible system headers.
Running test RouteGen_test----- cjdns memory snapshot ----- RouteGen_test.c:117 [13016] bytes RouteGen_test.c:107 [104216] bytes | RouteGen.c:538 [881736] bytes | | RouteGen.c:312 [104] bytes at [0x557fa6c05770] [...lots of lines...] RouteGen_test.c:117 [224] bytes at [0x557fa6ac05f0] totalBytes [1048800] remaining [8] ----- end cjdns memory snapshot ----- ArrayList.c:72 Fatal error: [Out of memory, limit exceeded.]
Ubuntu 18.04.2 and 20.04 have this same problem building from master. I worked around this on Ubuntu 18.04.2 using cjdns v20.2, but v20.2 does not build on Ubuntu 20.04 due to other problems including incompatible system headers.