hyperboria / bugs

Peer-to-peer IPv6 networking, secure and near-zero-conf.
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Raspberry Pi 2 build failure #96

Closed Nodeswitch closed 8 years ago

Nodeswitch commented 8 years ago

Hi folks,

Running a fresh, updated install of Raspbian Jessie Lite on a Pi 2 and encountering the below when compiling.

Running test Beacon_test                                                           571.963 ms
Running test CryptoAddress_test                                                    22.874 ms
Running test printIp_test                                                          12.811 ms
Running test CryptoAuth_fuzz_test                                                  6379.355 ms
Running test CryptoAuth_test                                                       3780.877 ms
Running test CryptoAuth_unit_test                                                  295.690 ms
Running test ReplayProtector_test                                                  1.561 ms
Running test DHTModules_handleIncoming_test                                        0.72 ms
Running test DHTModules_handleOutgoing_test                                        0.31 ms
Running test FramingIface_fuzz_test                                                77.477 ms
Running test FramingIface_test                                                     0.129 ms
Running test FileReader_test                                                       1.517 ms
Running test Allocator_test                                                        0.73 ms
Running test EncodingScheme_test                                                   250.336 ms
Running test LabelSplicer_test                                                     0.73 ms
Running test NumberCompress_test                                                   5.368 ms
Running test PenaltyFloat_test                                                     1.298 ms
Running test IpTunnel_test                                                         1.246 ms
Running test AddrTools_test                                                        0.53 ms
Running test AverageRoller_test                                                    0.73 ms
Running test Base10_test                                                           22.623 ms
Running test Base32_test                                                           0.736 ms
Running test Bits_test                                                             1.412 ms
Running test Checksum_test                                                         0.55 ms
Running test Endian_test                                                           0.25 ms
Running test Hex_test                                                              0.596 ms
Running test Identity_test                                                         0.48 ms
Running test Map_test                                                              5.991 ms
Running test Process_test                                                          6.929 ms
Running test Seccomp_testAssertion failure [Seccomp_test.c:62] [(!"timed out")]
Backtrace (0 frames):

Checking codestyle
net/Benchmark.c:193 TODO(cjd): this will fail with a different encoding scheme
memory/Allocator.c:237 TODO(cjd): make this optional.
benc/serialization/json/JsonBencSerializer.c:331 FIXME(gerard): silently skipping anything we don't understand
admin/angel/Core.c:68 TODO(cjd): we need to begin detecting MTU and informing the OS properly!
client/Configurator.c:536 * FIXME(sdg): moving noforks after setuser might make nproc <- 0,0 work
./interface/tuntap/test/TUNInterface_ipv4_root_test.c:59 TODO(cjd): fix TUNConfigurator_addIp4Address() for Illumos, Darwin, BSD.
switch/SwitchCore.c:219 TODO(cjd): hmm should we return an error packet?
net/InterfaceController.c:836 TODO(cjd): eps are created in 3 places, there should be a factory function.
dht/DHTModuleRegistry.c:64 TODO(cjd): Call a debugger with all unhandlable messages?
memory/BufferAllocator.c:25 * TODO(cjd): addOnFreeJob adds a job which is only run when the root allocator is freed
dht/dhtcore/Janitor.c:239 FIXME(arceliar): Probably need stronger requirements than this.
dht/dhtcore/Janitor.c:398 FIXME(arceliar): This target probably isn't optimal.
dht/dhtcore/RouterModule.c:85 * TODO(cjd): ---
dht/dhtcore/NodeStore.c:526 TODO(cjd): Paths longer than 1024 will blow up, handle more gracefully
dht/dhtcore/NodeStore.c:849 TODO(cjd): This does not depend on nodeStore or alter the link, consider moving to Node.c
dht/dhtcore/NodeStore.c:1080 TODO(cjd): linking every node with 0 link state, this can't be right.
dht/dhtcore/NodeStore.c:1398 TODO(arceliar): protect keyspace, evict the worst bestParent instead?
dht/dhtcore/NodeStore.c:1478 TODO(arceliar): is this safe?
dht/dhtcore/NodeStore.c:1698 TODO(cjd): this could return ~0
dht/dhtcore/NodeStore.c:1718 TODO(cjd): this has been the source of assert failures and we might be sweeping
dht/dhtcore/NodeStore.c:1837 TODO(cjd): Schlameil the painter
dht/dhtcore/NodeStore.c:2284 FIXME(arceliar): calcNextReach is guessing what the reach would stabilize to
dht/dhtcore/NodeStore.c:2308 TODO(arceliar): Something sane. We don't know which link on the path is bad.
dht/dhtcore/NodeStore.c:2350 TODO(cjd): What we really should be doing here is storing this link in a
Failed to build cjdns.
Nodeswitch commented 8 years ago

Following from a suggestion in a different issue, running NO_TEST=1 Seccomp_NO=1 ./do skipped passed this.

Kubuxu commented 8 years ago

Already reported and probably and possibly localized: https://github.com/hyperboria/cjdns/issues/6#issuecomment-162244016

Would be worth for someone having RPI2 to recompile Raspbian's kernel to include the second flag and check if it works, if it does then it should be reported to Raspbiandev team.