hyperboria / peers

A geographically sorted list of public peering credentials for joining Hyperboria
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repo structure #1

Closed ansuz closed 8 years ago

ansuz commented 8 years ago

naming scheme?

dansup commented 8 years ago

I think using the nodes ipv6 address would suffice.

For example: peers/creds/fcec:ae97:8902:d810:6c92:ec67:efb2:3ec5.json

ansuz commented 8 years ago

If a few more people agree we'll go with that.

dansup commented 8 years ago

Actually, I don't think that is a valid file name. I propose to use the public key instead.

thefinn93 commented 8 years ago

It should be based on region. IPv6 address is arbitrary, not something you look for with peering. What if we did like peers/creds/<country>/<state|bioregion|city>/<pubkey>.json

ansuz commented 8 years ago

oh, I like that

dansup commented 8 years ago

@thefinn93 I think that is good idea.

ansuz commented 8 years ago

nodeinfo.json has location fields now. those fields could then follow that same convention, and make peering suggestions easier.


Country, region, municipality?

cschmittiey commented 8 years ago

Sounds good to me

ansuz commented 8 years ago

So, next thought:

If we're using , what's our policy with regards to nationstates collapsing, or controversial borders? It's an edge case, but I'm trying to think ahead.

Crimea or Palestine could easily be sensitive topics.

(edit) What about not even using nations (Canada/USA) and instead just using continental borders?

ansuz commented 8 years ago

Since there were no objections, I changed location.country in the nodeinfo.json spec to location.continent.

The spec can be found here.

Repo structure should ∴ be /creds/<continent code>/<region>/yourNodesPublicKey.k.