hyperboria / services

Services on Hyperboria
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What else should go in this repo? #2

Open ansuz opened 8 years ago

ansuz commented 8 years ago

The docs repo has gotten rather large and intimidating.

As it gets periodically merged into the doc folder of cjdns, we should attempt to limit its scope to things which are of immediate concern to a node operator.

There are a lot of topics that are outside of that scope which are still quite relevant to the network. I think we could stand to migrate some of those things here.

Notes about hosting a service on Hyperboria

This includes:

  1. a list of common platforms which support ipv6
  2. configuration details for such services
    • AAAA records
    • binding to your ipv6
    • :: and other syntax with which people coming from the ipv4 world are familiar
  3. privacy concerns
    • what goes into setting up a self-contained service
    • hosting your own fonts, scripts, and other resources

      Policy for this repo

See https://github.com/hyperboria/services/issues/1

Kubuxu commented 8 years ago

What I find problematic while creating sites for cjdns is transferring fonts and js libs from cdns into Hype. I think we might want to start efforts of creating Hype cdn possibly basing on IPFS for ease of distribution and so on.

I had whole cdn-js added to IPFS but IMO it is overkill, we should create our own cdn package on need basis.

@lgierth are the ready to use nginx/apache rewrite rules for /ipfs/?

ghost commented 8 years ago

stuff like this? location ~ "^/(ipfs|ipns|api)(/|$)" {

This is the nginx.conf for ipfs.io: https://github.com/ipfs/infrastructure/blob/master/oldnet/roles/ipfs_gateway/templates/nginx_ipfs_gateway.conf.j2

kpcyrd commented 8 years ago

@Kubuxu interesting idea, I'm going to work on this the next few days.

Kubuxu commented 8 years ago

Fonts are the most problematic IMO, you have to download font CSS from cdn, downloads 3 or 4 formats mentioned in this CSS, build new CSS.