hyperdxio / hyperdx

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Line Chart Builder - Perform regex on Distinct by - Property #409

Closed sharpSteff closed 1 month ago

sharpSteff commented 1 month ago

I'm currently try to migrate from signoz to hyperdx and stumple over this. I have a property on my span "service.instance.id", which I need to perform a regex on and run a Distinct by query with the result. image

Is there a way to do this? I don't mind to hardcode the functionality as a seperate operation 🤣

MikeShi42 commented 1 month ago

@sharpSteff unfortunately not today in the app, we've discussed this a bit but it's somewhat of a hairy problem!

The current workaround is to use the otel collector directly to transform the attribute at ingestion time, this will of course also help make the query a lot faster too. Totally understand though that it doesn't solve the case of needing to do it on an ad-hoc basis.

sharpSteff commented 1 month ago

@MikeShi42 thanks for clarification. I added my usecase hardcoded as an additional operation and it works like a charme