hyperdxio / hyperdx

Resolve production issues, fast. An open source observability platform unifying session replays, logs, metrics, traces and errors powered by Clickhouse and OpenTelemetry.
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Missing column http.route #442

Open Saddamus opened 4 days ago

Saddamus commented 4 days ago

Hello, im trying to discover hyperdx service using docker-compose deployment. There are errors on displaying dashboards. On API logs i see below error, but can not find http.route column on your migration scripts. SELECT \n groupUniqArrayArray(mapKeys(_string_attributes)) as strings,\n groupUniqArrayArray(mapKeys(_number_attributes)) as numbers,\n groupUniqArrayArray(mapKeys(_bool_attributes)) as bools\n FROMdefault.log_stream\n WHERE (1 = 1)\n AND _timestamp_sort_key >= '1719244791051000064'\n AND _timestamp_sort_key <= '1719248391081999872'\n ","took":3} {"incrementalUpdate":true,"level":"info","message":"propertyTypeMappingsModel _refresh success","teamId":"66798562de208f1189c589c3"} {"level":"error","message":{"error":{"message":"Group by field http.route does not exist","name"