hyperfiddle / rcf

RCF – a REPL-first, async test macro for Clojure/Script
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Idea: use any comment block as test #49

Open borkdude opened 2 years ago

borkdude commented 2 years ago

It would be great if RCF could use any comment block as test, without having to add special syntax or a dependency for a library.

(ns my-lib)

(defn add [a b] (+ a b))

 (add 1 2) ;;=> 3

;;; rest of library namespace

This might require a different approach though and I could see that this would not be within RCF's scope. Just wanted to share the idea and see what you think of it. Feel free to migrate this issue to "Github Discussions" once you activate that in this repo, or close this issue.

ieugen commented 2 years ago

Having comment blocks as test without having to require a library in the namespace would be huge IMO. I have often thought of comment blocks as examples / documentation on how to use the functions and what kind of inputs it expects, even as tests.

But their usability as tests is limited that you have to run them one by one. I would love to be able to have some tests there without having to pull in the test dependency in production builds. I think this is where the tricky part lies: How to require things only in comments in a way that works with rcf and tooling.

rcf is a great initiative but I wouldn't want to pull in test libraries / dependencies in production builds. Maybe it's just me but I think having a reduced surface area in production deployments is important.

borkdude commented 2 years ago

A similar idea here:


It takes your code sections from markdown and interprets:

(+ 1 2)
;;=> 3

as a test assertion.

borkdude commented 2 years ago

I might do a little prototype of such a test runner using rewrite-clj.

dustingetz commented 2 years ago

Thank you for sharing your idea! Parsing comment is tricky:

There is also the question of is it moral, what are the risks, is it worth it? What would RH do?

borkdude commented 2 years ago

Whether if it is moral, I think the question should be: should it be explicit? I think yes. That is why I put an explicit ^:hyperfiddle/rcf value on the comment form.

I just posted this idea for a lack of "Github Discussions", I think that is a much better fit, as this idea isn't really actionable.

dustingetz commented 2 years ago

Ah, thank you for pointing out that you tag the comment for RCF evaluation, I missed that!

dustingetz commented 2 years ago

rcf is a great initiative but I wouldn't want to pull in test libraries / dependencies in production builds. Maybe it's just me but I think having a reduced surface area in production deployments is important.

Thank you @ieugen for the feedback! You can still separate your RCF tests into a tests folder, we merely remove the requirement. At Hyperfiddle we like to put 2-3 lightweight "pure function" tests next to the defn as example uses, and heavier test coverage and/or tests requiring setup and dependencies in separate files that only work under an alias. We're still debating if "heavy tests" need to be split out into a parallel folder (as that seems to be a historical requirement of legacy rest runners that watch the filesystem and rerun tests on file changes – which RCF's REPL-first design does not do. You can still separate a test folder if you want.)

borkdude commented 2 years ago

@dustingetz Maybe going a bit off-topic here, but how does the infix notation play well with the REPL?

E.g.: (is (= 1 2)) you can eval in the REPL, but 1 := 2 not so much?

dustingetz commented 2 years ago

(tests 1 := 2)

borkdude commented 2 years ago

:-) But that's not how you normally work with rich comment forms?

dustingetz commented 2 years ago

put your cursor on the 1 and send form to repl? I am confused

ggeoffrey commented 2 years ago

For RCF to use any comment block as test, without having to add special syntax or a dependency, I assume we would have to hook onto the clojure reader. I’m not sure how, but if it’s possible it would be big.

If changing ;; => to => is acceptable, then data readers could work:

 (add 1 2) => 3

It saves a require and the #rcf/tests line can be commented out easily. Not sure if it’s a good tradeoff 🤔

borkdude commented 2 years ago

@ggeoffrey I think you would have to go with an approach using rewrite-clj, or perhaps edamame or clojure.tools.reader, to read top level comments and process them differently.

See here for such an approach: https://github.com/hyperfiddle/rcf/issues/49#issuecomment-1091448342

borkdude commented 2 years ago

Using data readers would still require you to register a data reader using a dependency (or no-op).

ggeoffrey commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the link. It seems these approaches are unfortunately not compatible with a live REPL. As far as I can tell, the Clojure LispReader can’t be extended or overloaded. So it would force us into a completely different workflow (parsing files vs live coding).

ggeoffrey commented 2 years ago

:-) But that's not how you normally work with rich comment forms?

The idea is, in both of these forms what’s on right is like an annotation. We usually evaluate the left hand side at the REPL.

  1 ;; => 1
  1 := 1)

IMO infix vs prefix should not be a constraint. Infix should just be sugar, meaning prefix could work too.

borkdude commented 2 years ago

Makes sense now, thanks.

borkdude commented 2 years ago

I think Stuart Halloway's transcriptor is a nice alternative approach:


(+ 1 2 3) ;; statement
(check! #{6}) ;; assertion

These appear in successive order and can be evaluated separately (to check if the assertion is valid during dev time for example).

dustingetz commented 2 years ago

Thanks for pointing that out – I don't think we considered that style. What do you think of

(require '[hyperfiddle.rcf :as rcf :refer [=> tests]])
  (map inc [1 2 3])
  (=> '(2 3 4)))

(tests (map inc [1 2 3]) (=> '(2 3 4)))

clojure.core/=> Syntax error compiling at (REPL:0:0). No such var: clojure.core/=>

borkdude commented 2 years ago

Seems like an improvement to me!

borkdude commented 1 year ago

It seems https://github.com/matthewdowney/rich-comment-tests ran with this idea! :)

marksto commented 7 months ago

It also worth noting that neither of these two brilliant libs (RCF nor RCT) eliminate the problem with dangling regular (uninstrumented) comment forms, that tend to "rot" over time because they are not called on frequently enough. An SCA tool, i.e. clj-kondo, is the only way to keep such comments up to date and workable. However, things go sour when you tag these forms with ^:clj-kondo/ignore to make REPL-based development easier. We've abandoned this practice and re-configured clj-kondo on one of our projects to prevent this issue.