hyperhq / hyperstart

The tiny Init service for HyperContainer
Apache License 2.0
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hyperstart cannot create network adapter on ppc64le #353

Closed kincl closed 6 years ago

kincl commented 6 years ago

The init binary executes /usr/sbin/rtas_errd to configure the VM network adapters in ppc64le. This comes from build/arch/ppc64le/binary/rtas.tar in the repository but the shared libraries it requires are not copied into lib64 in build/make-initrd.sh resulting in these errors in the vmconsole output:

I0417 14:24:20.944302   47891 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: executing cmd /usr/sbin/rtas_errd -d
I0417 14:24:20.945676   47891 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper/shared
I0417 14:24:20.946671   47891 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: /usr/sbin/rtas_errd: error while loading shared libraries: librtas.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I0417 14:24:20.946690   47891 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: create directory /tmp/hyper/shm
I0417 14:24:20.946824   47891 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: pod init pid 1707
I0417 14:24:20.947125   47891 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: /usr/sbin/rtas_errd -d cmd exit normally, status 127
I0417 14:24:20.947243   47891 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: cmd /usr/sbin/rtas_errd -d exit unexpectedly, status 32512
I0417 14:24:20.947359   47891 watcher.go:74] vmconsole: rtas start failed: No such file or directory