hyperion-project / hyperion.control

Kodi Addon to control Hyperion.
MIT License
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Kodi 19 Matrix - Plugin not working #14

Closed Agrajag-42 closed 2 years ago

Agrajag-42 commented 3 years ago

Just upgraded to Kodi 19 and the Plugin is not working anymore.

                                               Error Type: <class 'TypeError'>
                                               Error Contents: 'iconImage' is an invalid keyword argument for this function
                                               Traceback (most recent call last):
                                                 File "/var/lib/vdr/.kodi/addons/script.service.hypercon/default.py", line 110, in <module>
                                               TypeError: 'iconImage' is an invalid keyword argument for this function
                                               -->End of Python script error report<--
rj-d2 commented 3 years ago

i just tried to install it The dependency on xbmc.python version 2.25.0 could not be satisfied

i think it needs to be updated for kodi 19

derbernhard commented 3 years ago

forked this git and modified it to work with Kodi 19. Works on Coreelec with Hyperion.ng

rj-d2 commented 3 years ago

forked this git and modified it to work with Kodi 19. Works on Coreelec with Hyperion.ng

working great thank you

derbernhard commented 3 years ago


tigertim08 commented 3 years ago

@derBernhard Vielen Dank für den fork 👍 Konnte ich ohne Probleme installieren. Allerdings bekomme ich mein Ambilight (Raspberry Zero W mit hyperion) nicht zum laufen. Mit dem alten Controller bzw. dem alten Kodi hat es funktioniert und auch über die Handyapp kann ich das Ambilight steuern. Port und IP habe ich selbstverständlich angepasst.

Was muss ich denn bei Komponente eintragen?

Vielen Dank schonmal

derbernhard commented 3 years ago

Hm sorry, ich hab da echt nur ein paar Codezeilen angepasst, damit die aktuellen libs und so gezogen werden. Bei mir hat es allerdings mit hyperion auch nicht mehr funktioniert, weshalb ich auf hyperion.ng gewechselt habe. Wenn du einen log hast kann ich ja mal schaun ob ich was herausfinden kann.

tigertim08 commented 3 years ago

Hm sorry, ich hab da echt nur ein paar Codezeilen angepasst, damit die aktuellen libs und so gezogen werden. Bei mir hat es allerdings mit hyperion auch nicht mehr funktioniert, weshalb ich auf hyperion.ng gewechselt habe. Wenn du einen log hast kann ich ja mal schaun ob ich was herausfinden kann.

Danke, habe das log mal hochgeladen, selber hatte ich jetzt nichts gefunden...

Wie hast du den umstieg auf hyperion.ng denn gemacht? Einfach drüber installiert oder komplett neu aufgesetzt?


derbernhard commented 3 years ago

Stimmt da sind keine Hyperion-Fehler drin. Vlt ein Config Problem. Schau dir mal die Komponente an und probier da mal durch. Ich kenn dein Setup nicht und weiß daher auch nicht wie das einzustellen ist. Bin da aber auch nicht der Richtige, weil ich den fork ja nur gemacht habe damits bei mir wieder läuft ;) Ansonsten gibts ja Foren zu Hauf wos genau um die Materie geht.

Lord-Grey commented 3 years ago

@derBernhard Maybe you would like to share your updates via a PR that everybody would benefit from it? I would assume that the updated code would only work with Kodi 19+, correct?

Thank you!

derbernhard commented 3 years ago

hmm don't know so much about github.. I'm afraid of breaking something ;) Will try to do a PR. Yes it's Matrix only - btw. I attached a zip file to my fork release section. So everybody who wants can download.

derbernhard commented 3 years ago

ok. I did it ;) PR is done

tigertim08 commented 3 years ago

@derBernhard Hey, habe jetzt auch mal mein hyperion auf dem pi zero auf .ng gehoben. Funktioniert auch soweit nur bekomme ich das Kodi Add-on nicht zum laufen also zum weiterleiten der Daten. Kannst du mir evtl. sagen wie du es bei dir eingestellt hast?

WebSchw commented 3 years ago

@derBernhard bei der Installation deines fork kommt es zum Fehler "[...] script.module.simplejson version 3.3.0 could not be satisfied [...]". Ich nutze den neuesten Coreelec Release.

Davon ganz abgesehen. Wie stellt ihr Hyperion NG ein, damit es den Stream von dem Add-on nutzt?

arfrater commented 3 years ago

@derBernhard Hi I installed your version 19.01 and am getting these errors `ERROR : EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--

xbmcnut commented 2 years ago

@derBernhard Thank you so much for making this work with Matrix, much appreciated! Been loving 19 but missing my Hyperion.NG > WLED integration and this evening we're back online!

mind12 commented 2 years ago

@derBernhard Thank you so much for making this work with Matrix, much appreciated! Been loving 19 but missing my Hyperion.NG> WLED integration and this evening we're back online!

It's not working for me using the latest 2.0.0-alpha.11 HyperionNG version. I can control the leds with hyperion remote but it wont work in Kodi 19.1. May I ask you what are your settings and how did you configure it to work?

Thank you.

Update: It's working with this addon: https://github.com/CPVprogrammer/kodi-matrix-hyperion-addon/releases/tag/v1.0.3-matrix

xbmcnut commented 2 years ago

@mind12 Initially mine didn't work either but when I upgraded to 19, it seems all of the settings for Hyperion.NG did not stick. Once I went to Capturing Hardware > Screen Capture and set Device discovered to 'Amlogic', it started working again with the help of the aforementioned add-on.

mind12 commented 2 years ago

@mind12 Initially mine didn't work either but when I upgraded to 19, it seems all of the settings for Hyperion.NG did not stick. Once I went to Capturing Hardware > Screen Capture and set Device discovered to 'Amlogic', it started working again with the help of the aforementioned add-on.

@xbmcnut I forgot to mention that Im running Kodi on Windows and HyperionNG + Arduino on Linux so those are separate machines. I use the addon to grab the pic and send it to the Linux machine and that's not working for me. It is an addon problem for sure because the old addon reworked to python3 is working. I would like to use this one because of the other features. Could you please share your addon settings with me? Thx

xbmcnut commented 2 years ago

@mind12 Sorry, which add-on are you wanting settings for as there was zero config required for the Hyperion Control fork for Kodi 19 add-on I added. It just detected my NG instance and started working (once I updated the screen capture device).

mind12 commented 2 years ago

@mind12 Sorry, which add-on are you wanting settings for as there was zero config required for the Hyperion Control fork for Kodi 19 add-on I added. It just detected my NG instance and started working (once I updated the screen capture device).

Yeah this one, it doesnt work for me on Windows. I may try again. Any specific configuration that I need if HyperionNG is on another host?

Lord-Grey commented 2 years ago

Please test with new version released.

mind12 commented 2 years ago

Please test with new version released.

Tested, got this error with an authorization token configured, debug enabled in hyperion.control. What am I missing?

2021-10-24 14:58:15.702 T:3624 INFO : CPythonInvoker(27, C:\Users\Kodi\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.service.hyperion-control\service.py): script successfully run 2021-10-24 14:58:15.900 T:3624 INFO : Python interpreter interrupted by user 2021-10-24 14:58:17.615 T:184 INFO : initializing python engine. 2021-10-24 14:58:17.853 T:184 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Settings updated!' 2021-10-24 14:58:17.853 T:184 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Hyperion ip:' 2021-10-24 14:58:17.853 T:184 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Hyperion port: 8090' 2021-10-24 14:58:17.853 T:184 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Enable H on start: True' 2021-10-24 14:58:17.853 T:184 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Disable H on stop: False' 2021-10-24 14:58:17.853 T:184 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'VideoMode enabled: False' 2021-10-24 14:58:17.853 T:184 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Hyperion target comp: GRABBER' 2021-10-24 14:58:17.853 T:184 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Screensaver enabled: False' 2021-10-24 14:58:17.853 T:184 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Video enabled: True' 2021-10-24 14:58:17.853 T:184 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Audio enabled: True' 2021-10-24 14:58:17.853 T:184 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Pause enabled: False' 2021-10-24 14:58:17.853 T:184 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Menu enabled: False' 2021-10-24 14:58:17.853 T:184 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Debug enabled: True' 2021-10-24 14:58:17.853 T:184 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'ChangelogOnUpdate: True' 2021-10-24 14:58:17.853 T:184 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'tasks: 0' 2021-10-24 14:58:17.860 T:184 ERROR : EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--

2021-10-24 14:58:18.067 T:184 INFO : Python interpreter stopped

Lord-Grey commented 2 years ago

@mind12 Thanks for reporting. The token based authorization has still a problem which requires fixing. Until then, I would suggest you go ahead without token authorization…

mind12 commented 2 years ago

@ mind12 Thanks for reporting. The token based authorization has still a problem which requires fixing. Until then, I would suggest you go ahead without token authorization ...

Disabled authorization in Hyperion and reinstalled the addon (defaulting the settings is not available) but it's still not working. No errors this time, I can see the connection on my hyperion server from kodi to 8090 but the leds are off during playback. Enabled menu mode too, the notification pops up when I enter the menu but the leds are still off.

Kodi logs: 2021-10-24 20:25:52.312 T:1656 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Hyperion-control stopped' 2021-10-24 20:25:52.312 T:1656 INFO : CPythonInvoker(17, C:\Users\Kodi\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.service.hyperion-control\service.py): script successfully run 2021-10-24 20:25:52.479 T:1656 INFO : Python interpreter interrupted by user 2021-10-24 20:25:55.926 T:5080 INFO : initializing python engine. 2021-10-24 20:25:56.167 T:5080 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Settings updated!' 2021-10-24 20:25:56.167 T:5080 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Hyperion ip:' 2021-10-24 20:25:56.167 T:5080 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Hyperion port: 8090' 2021-10-24 20:25:56.167 T:5080 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Enable H on start: True' 2021-10-24 20:25:56.167 T:5080 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Disable H on stop: False' 2021-10-24 20:25:56.167 T:5080 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'VideoMode enabled: False' 2021-10-24 20:25:56.167 T:5080 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Hyperion target comp: GRABBER' 2021-10-24 20:25:56.167 T:5080 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Screensaver enabled: False' 2021-10-24 20:25:56.167 T:5080 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Video enabled: True' 2021-10-24 20:25:56.167 T:5080 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Audio enabled: True' 2021-10-24 20:25:56.168 T:5080 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Pause enabled: False' 2021-10-24 20:25:56.168 T:5080 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Menu enabled: True' 2021-10-24 20:25:56.168 T:5080 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Debug enabled: True' 2021-10-24 20:25:56.168 T:5080 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'ChangelogOnUpdate: True' 2021-10-24 20:25:56.168 T:5080 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'tasks: 0' 2021-10-24 20:25:56.168 T:5080 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Send to: payload: {"command":"componentstate", "componentstate":{"component": "ALL", "state": true }, "tan":1}' 2021-10-24 20:25:56.223 T:5080 INFO : [script.service.hyperion-control] b'Send to: payload: {"command":"componentstate", "componentstate":{"component": "GRABBER", "state": true }, "tan":1}'

How can I troubleshoot this?

Thank you.