hyperium / h2

HTTP 2.0 client & server implementation for Rust.
MIT License
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feat: not returning UnexpectedEof when client drop without close_notify #743

Closed dswij closed 5 months ago

dswij commented 5 months ago

closes https://github.com/hyperium/hyper/issues/3427

This PR makes it so that if we encountered UnexpectedEof as a server, and when there is nothing else to send (i.e. we sent what the client wanted), Connection::poll will not return an Err.

Note that this does not change the client behaviour when the server closed the connection abruptly.

Something to consider is whether we should handle this in hyper instead. But I don't see a good reason why we shouldn't put it in h2

cablehead commented 5 months ago

🙌🏻 💚