hyperium / h2

HTTP 2.0 client & server implementation for Rust.
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#769: Fix request pseudo-header construction for CONNECT & OPTION methods #770

Closed mstyura closed 1 month ago

mstyura commented 2 months ago

CONNECT & OPTIONS request has special requirements regarding :path & :scheme pseudo-header which were not met.

Construction of pseudo-header was fixed to not include :path & :scheme fields for CONNECT method. Empty :path field for OPTIONS requests now translates to '*' value sent in :path field.

CONNECT request changes were tested against server based on hyper 1.2.

seanmonstar commented 2 months ago

Thanks! For writing a unit test, you can put it in client_request.rs, similar to this one: https://github.com/hyperium/h2/blob/0d66e3cba2da9925dc3f277b9c71b96356789a76/tests/h2-tests/tests/client_request.rs#L527

Set the correct fields for the http::Request::builder(), and then on the server mock, assert that the frame::headers() was received without setting .scheme() or path.

mstyura commented 2 months ago

Thanks @seanmonstar! It is occurred that when tested locally I didn't run whole set of tests and didn't notice I've broken extended connect request. So to fix this a bit more changes were required. Here I'll try to explain each change I've introduced:

  1. In src/frame/headers.rs I've fixed Pseudo::request to properly handle regular CONNECT request as well as special case of OPTIONS request. In addition to tests which checks CONNECT request on higher level I've also decided to add additional simple unit tests for Pseudo::request to validate Pseudo properly constructed from provided arguments for regular requests (GET, POST, etc) as well as CONNECT, extended CONNECT and special case of OPTIONS request.

  2. In tests/h2-support/src/frames.rs I've decided to replace helper method to set :protocol with method to define whole Pseudo struct. The problem of protocol method I've noticed is that the presence of protocol change the rules of generation pseudo fields - :scheme & :path become mandatory in case of extended CONNECT and with fixed implementation of regular CONNECTs it was impossible to use protocol helper method to properly construct extended CONNECT.

  3. In tests/h2-tests/tests/client_request.rs:

    • extended_connect_request test started to fail exactly due to regular CONNECT implementation has been fixed and setting protocol after pseudo already constructed didn't lead to :scheme & :path included;
    • http_2_connect_request_omit_scheme_and_path_fields test you've suggested to add - it check that regular CONNECT request does not send :path and :scheme to server;
  4. In tests/h2-tests/tests/server.rs

    • extended_connect_protocol_disabled_by_default relied on request + protocol helper methods which started to produce incorrect extended CONNECT request - replaced with newly added pseudo helper method;
    • extended_connect_protocol_enabled_during_handshake same reason to change as above;. reject_pseudo_protocol_on_non_connect_request relied on request + protocol and due to nature of test protocol method worked here, but it was single "valid" usage of it, so I've replaced it with pseudo and removed protocol.
    • reject_authority_target_on_extended_connect_request in my opinion test name was misleading, the actual behavior it tested was rejection of connection due to missing :scheme in extended connect request. Renamed it to reject_extended_connect_request_without_scheme. For the reference here are logs of test run on current master branch:
      │ │ │ ├─  0ms DEBUG h2::server malformed headers: missing scheme
      │ │ │ ├─  0ms TRACE h2::proto::streams::send send_reset(..., reason=PROTOCOL_ERROR, initiator=Library, stream=StreamId(1), ..., is_reset=false; is_closed=false; pending_send.is_empty=true; state=State { inner: Open { local: AwaitingHeaders, remote: Streaming } } 
    • reject_non_authority_target_on_connect_request IMO was also misleadingly named and it actually tested incorrect behaviour of regular CONNECT which I've fixed. So that test becoming to fail because there is no reason to constructed request being rejected. I've renamed test to reject_extended_connect_request_without_path and adjusted it to test valid reason to reject of extended connect request i.e. absence of :path. For the reference here are logs of test run on current master branch:
      │ │ │ ├─  0ms DEBUG h2::server malformed headers: :scheme in CONNECT
      │ │ │ ├─  0ms TRACE h2::proto::streams::send send_reset(..., reason=PROTOCOL_ERROR, initiator=Library, stream=StreamId(1), ..., is_reset=false; is_closed=false; pending_send.is_empty=true; state=State { inner: Open { local: AwaitingHeaders, remote: Streaming } } 
mstyura commented 1 month ago

Hello there! Is there anything I can do to facilitate this PR get reviewed? Thanks a lot in advance.

Noah-Kennedy commented 1 month ago

Hello there! Is there anything I can do to facilitate this PR get reviewed? Thanks a lot in advance.

It was blocked on me having time to review for the past two weeks.

Not sure if you asked in discord earlier and that's why Sean pinged me, but I was actually mid review when you asked 😆.

mstyura commented 1 month ago

I was actually mid review when you asked

That's complete coincidence or some universe tricks :)