hyperium / hyper

An HTTP library for Rust
MIT License
14.07k stars 1.55k forks source link

You should provide a command-line downloader #3680

Closed vporton closed 3 weeks ago

vporton commented 3 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I am trying to understand why a certain HTTPS-only software does not work with my certificate authority for localhost settings.

Describe the solution you'd like I want you to distribute with hyper a simplest HTTP and HTTPS downloader/streamer. It should be installable by cargo install hyper. So, I could test hyper without writing software for it first. I tried ChatGPT to write for me, but it produces erroneous code.

This will also serve as an example code. (examples/client does not support the most tricky part - HTTPS).

Describe alternatives you've considered Forking the above mentioned HTTPS-only software and debugging it. It is not easy, because some components for it are missing in my OS. Or writing a hyper-based downloader by myself, also not easy.

seanmonstar commented 3 weeks ago

hyper purposefully does not pick what library to use for TLS, which is needed for HTTPS. This is because there are many options, and trade-offs for each. hyper wants you to be able to pick.

However, the reqwest crate does pick one by default, which you may find more useful.

vporton commented 3 weeks ago

However, the reqwest crate does pick one by default, which you may find more useful.

As it is clear from my original post, I am dealing with third-party software, in which I cannot replace hyper by reqwest.