Below are the description of pulsing finding for the IWCD mPMTs. We will need to implement it in the waveform fitting function to get digitized Q and T.
The general description of the hit finding algorithm was shown in the presentation on the meeting on 15 February 2024. Here is this description:
Self-trigger is verified and triggering conditions are as follows:
Amplitude exceeding the threshold
Integral of 7 samples (preceding and following) exceeds 2x threshold
Local maximum
Sufficient period from the previous pulse
FIFOs are not almost full – to prevent overflow
Waveform windows includes eight samples before maximum
Window length is configurable
Positive polarity
Time is estimated using Constant Fraction Discriminator (CFD) for subsequent windows
Charge is estimated as the sum of eight samples around the maximum.
The extraction of related VHDL code is attached.
constant SAMPLE_NUMBER_BEFORE_MAXIMUM : natural := 8;-- first sample number before
constant SAMPLE_NUMBER_AFTER_MAXIMUM : natural := 7;--namber of samples after maximum kept in pipeline registers
---- selected VHDL code describing the hit detection ----------
adder_tree_v := (others => (others => (others => '0')));
for channel in 0 to 19 loop
-- integral computation using adder tree on moving window
adder_tree_v(channel)(i+3-SAMPLE_NUMBER_AFTER_MAXIMUM) := adc_delay_r(i)(channel)(11) & adc_delay_r(i)(channel)(11) & adc_delay_r(i)(channel)(11) & adc_delay_r(i)(channel);
end loop;
-- first adder level
for i in 0 to 3 loop
adder_tree_v(channel)(i+8) := adder_tree_v(channel)(2*i) + adder_tree_v(channel)(2*i+1);
end loop;
adder_tree_v(channel)(12) := adder_tree_v(channel)(8) + adder_tree_v(channel)(9);
adder_tree_v(channel)(13) := adder_tree_v(channel)(10) + adder_tree_v(channel)(11);
adder_tree_v(channel)(14) := adder_tree_v(channel)(12) + adder_tree_v(channel)(13);
sum_v(channel) := adder_tree_v(channel)(14) & "00";
trigger_auto_v(channel) := '0';
if signed(adc_delay_r(SAMPLE_NUMBER_AFTER_MAXIMUM-1)(channel)) >= signed(adc_delay_r(SAMPLE_NUMBER_AFTER_MAXIMUM-2)(channel))
and signed(adc_delay_r(SAMPLE_NUMBER_AFTER_MAXIMUM-1)(channel)) > signed(adc_delay_r(SAMPLE_NUMBER_AFTER_MAXIMUM)(channel))
and signed(adc_delay_r(SAMPLE_NUMBER_AFTER_MAXIMUM-1)(channel)) > signed(adc_delay_r(SAMPLE_NUMBER_AFTER_MAXIMUM-3)(channel))
and signed(adc_delay_r(SAMPLE_NUMBER_AFTER_MAXIMUM-1)(channel)) > signed(adc_delay_r(SAMPLE_NUMBER_AFTER_MAXIMUM+1)(channel))
maximum_condition_v(channel) := '1';
end if;
if signed(adc_delay_r(SAMPLE_NUMBER_AFTER_MAXIMUM-1)(channel)) > signed(integral_threshold_v(11 downto 3)) then
amplitude_condition_v(channel) := '1';
end if;
if signed(sum_v(channel)) > signed(integral_threshold_v) then
integral_condition_v(channel) := '1';
end if;
if estimator_r(channel).cycles_from_hit = 0 or estimator_r(channel).cycles_from_hit > config_r.hit_insensitivity_period then
separation_condition_v(channel) := '1';
end if;
end loop;
trigger_auto_v := maximum_condition_v and integral_condition_v and amplitude_condition_v and separation_condition_v and config_r.self_trigger_enable;
Updated 1PE waveform is in the attached file. The waveform is normalized to 2048 as the maximal value. It is over-sampled x16 (sampling period = 0.5 ns), so to get real waveform with sampling period of 8 ns you have to pick every 16th sample.
Amplitude threshold = 20
Dead time in clock cycles when the triggering is inactive after the previous trigger = 8. It means that minimal distance between triggers (local maximum) is 9 clock cycles.
Charge is estimated as the sum of eight samples around the maximum, 5 before and 2 after. The last sample is discarded if negative.
Below are the description of pulsing finding for the IWCD mPMTs. We will need to implement it in the waveform fitting function to get digitized Q and T.
The general description of the hit finding algorithm was shown in the presentation on the meeting on 15 February 2024. Here is this description:
The extraction of related VHDL code is attached.