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Improve tooling for Cross-VM router enrollments #3059

Open yorhodes opened 7 months ago

yorhodes commented 7 months ago


Enrolling routers across the VM boundary (eg between Neutron and Arbitrum) is unintuitive with the RouterDeployer usage of RouterConfig.foreignDeployment



We should have a CLI command for hyperlane router enroll <domain> <address> -- it would be easy to mess up this config so we should add checks such as looking up the bytecode on the target network at the address

This will make warp routes across VM boundaries easier.

Nice to have

This command group could include ism and hook interactions as well

nambrot commented 7 months ago

Do you think this is another candidate for our operations efforts to prio?

tkporter commented 6 months ago

Is this saying you'd rather not have configs that include non-EVM routers that are programmatically enrolled, and instead you'd rather manually run hyperlane router enroll <domain> <address> ?

avious00 commented 6 months ago

@tkporter friendly ping

avious00 commented 6 months ago

Is this saying you'd rather not have configs that include non-EVM routers that are programmatically enrolled, and instead you'd rather manually run hyperlane router enroll <domain> <address> ?

from @yorhodes: given distance from unified version tracked config across VM boundaries (ie cosmwasm & EVM deploy tooling), I think a CLI enroll command is a good stopgap and is more obvious to newcomers