hyperledger-archives / aries-framework-go

Hyperledger Aries Framework Go provides packages for building Agent / DIDComm services.
Apache License 2.0
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How to use profiles with connections (didexchange)? #3197

Open matgnt opened 2 years ago

matgnt commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to establish a connection between 2 parties, Alice and Bob. Both use a separate profile in the same running instance of aries-agent-rest

Problem is, that I can create an invitation on Alice side and use it with Bob in /vcwallet/connect to run through didexchange protocol. How can Alice see the connection she created in her profile? How is the invitation linked to the profile?

I then thought, I create the invitation and lookup the connection to add it to the profile (right after invitation has been created), but it seems a connection entry doesn't exist at that point.

So, the general question is how (and/or when) an invitation is bound to a profile.

Any help appreciated. Thanks, Matthias

sudeshrshetty commented 2 years ago

vcwallet controller is universal wallet implementation from aries, and to be used for holder applications only and for typical did exchange I suggest you use didexchange, outofband, outofbandV2 controllers.

Also, currently vcwallet is not storing connection data model in wallet store.

borancar commented 2 years ago

@sudeshrshetty, are there any plans where vcwallet credential operations (propose, request, accept) could use didexchange, outofband, outofbandv2 established connections? Currently it doesn't seem possible to do a didexchange using the controller and then let vcwallet take over and get a credential.

borancar commented 2 years ago

Off-topic, but let me even take it a step further, cause this could potentially simplify some things, are there plans from migrating credentials from verifiable to vcwallet?

borancar commented 2 years ago

Partial answer would https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go/issues/3106#issuecomment-1005652495