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When Chaincode deployment fails the only way of determining this is by looking at the logs. It would be nice if there was a way for a user to query a chaincode's state and see if it has deployed successfully and if not, the reason why.
When Chaincode deployment fails the only way of determining this is by looking at the logs. It would be nice if there was a way for a user to query a chaincode's state and see if it has deployed successfully and if not, the reason why.
Describe How to Reproduce
Bring up a Validating Peer:
Attempt to deploy a chaincode with the incorrect parameters: HTTP POST: http://localhost:5000/chaincode
You will see that the response indicates a success:
But there are errors in the logs:
A user can still invoke transactions successfully: HTTP POST: localhost:5000/chaincode
But queries fail: HTTP POST: localhost:5000/chaincode