hyperledger-archives / iroha

Iroha - A simple, decentralized ledger
Apache License 2.0
988 stars 297 forks source link

How long will it be implemented? #1270

Closed big-fish0 closed 6 years ago

big-fish0 commented 6 years ago
Welcome to Iroha-Cli.
Choose what to do:
1. New transaction (tx)
2. New query (qry)
3. New transaction status request (st)
> : 1
Forming a new transactions, choose command to add:
1. Detach role from account (detach)
2. Add new role to account (apnd_role)
3. Create new role (crt_role)
4. Set account key/value detail (set_acc_kv)
5. Transfer Assets (tran_ast)
6. Grant permission over your account (grant_perm)
7. Subtract Assets Quantity from Account (sub_ast_qty)
8. Set Account Quorum (set_qrm)
9. Remove Signatory (rem_sign)
10. Create Domain (crt_dmn)
11. Revoke permission from account (revoke_perm)
12. Create Account (crt_acc)
13. Add Signatory to Account (add_sign)
14. Create Asset (crt_ast)
15. Add Peer to Iroha Network (add_peer)
16. Add Asset Quantity (add_ast_qty)
0. Back (b)
> : 7
Not implemented
grimadas commented 6 years ago

The command is implemented, but not add added to iroha-cli

big-fish0 commented 6 years ago

@grimadas Thanks.But my latest iroha image was two weeks ago,I dont't know is it include the function

REPOSITORY                         TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
hyperledger/iroha-docker-develop   v1-0402             504c074b8aa6        2 weeks ago         2.05GB
hyperledger/iroha-docker-develop   v1-0329             3793c232ee14        3 weeks ago         1.9GB
hyperledger/iroha-docker           develop             dd973ee30210        5 weeks ago         267MB
hyperledger/iroha-docker-develop   v1                  472eb33814af        6 weeks ago         1.5GB
postgres                           9.5                 c7d7a3d97374        7 weeks ago         264MB