As a developer I want to enable deployment of r3-corda-ent with ambassador proxy and using HashiCorp vault, so that the core services of r3-corda-ent (idman, networkmap, notary and node) are reachable outside cluster and can be deployed across multiple clusters
Other Details
cenm services will keep using the internal service addresses.
Acceptance Criteria
cert gen chart as node and cenm dependency to create self signed tls certificate
network deployed with idman, networkmap and notary/node using external url
As a developer I want to enable deployment of r3-corda-ent with ambassador proxy and using HashiCorp vault, so that the core services of r3-corda-ent (idman, networkmap, notary and node) are reachable outside cluster and can be deployed across multiple clusters
Other Details
cenm services will keep using the internal service addresses.
Acceptance Criteria