Currently, we don't have an option to exclude docker credentials from network.yaml
The docker credentials are used to create a kubernetes secret (docker cred template) which is used to pull images with docker credentials.
With the inclusion of images over a public dockerhub registry, we dont need the docker username & password section in the network.yaml, the regcred and thus there is no need to pull the image with docker creds.
The changes required are:
In the file hyperledger-indy/configuration/roles/create/imagepullsecret/tasks/main.yaml, change the first task named "Check for ImagePullSecret for {{ organization }}" and the next task named "Create the docker pull registry secret for {{ component_ns }}" to run only if network.docker.username && network.docker.password are defined and are not empty. To check if a variable (network.docker.username) is defined and not empty, you can use the code network.docker.username | default('', true) | trim != ''
For the charts, you need to a put a condition to use imagePullSecrets only when network.docker.username | default('', true) | trim != '' and network.docker.password | default('', true) | trim != ''
The following charts are required to be changed for Hyperledger Indy
Currently, we don't have an option to exclude docker credentials from network.yaml The docker credentials are used to create a kubernetes secret (docker cred template) which is used to pull images with docker credentials. With the inclusion of images over a public dockerhub registry, we dont need the docker username & password section in the network.yaml, the regcred and thus there is no need to pull the image with docker creds.
The changes required are:
In the file hyperledger-indy/configuration/roles/create/imagepullsecret/tasks/main.yaml, change the first task named "Check for ImagePullSecret for {{ organization }}" and the next task named "Create the docker pull registry secret for {{ component_ns }}" to run only if network.docker.username && network.docker.password are defined and are not empty. To check if a variable (network.docker.username) is defined and not empty, you can use the code
network.docker.username | default('', true) | trim != ''
For the charts, you need to a put a condition to use imagePullSecrets only when
network.docker.username | default('', true) | trim != ''
andnetwork.docker.password | default('', true) | trim != ''
The following charts are required to be changed for Hyperledger Indy
[ ] indy-auth-job chart
[ ] indy-key-mgmt chart
[ ] indy-ledger-txn chart
[ ] indy-node chart
Test the network with the above mentioned changes