hyperledger-labs / convector

Smart Contract Systems the easy way. Open source development framework.
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Error in generate-controller-interface when adding static method as first method in controller #59

Open friendly-tech opened 5 years ago

friendly-tech commented 5 years ago

The problem

Adding a single static method as the first method in a controller, causes the following error

Error: Argument Error (order): Range is 0 to 24, but 25 was provided.


I had some static methods in my class, when i ran linting in moved these to the top - i then got the error(s). Interestingly if you add it as last method, or add another static method it goes away..

Code To Reproduce Issue

Added to the supplychain controller

export class SupplychainchaincodeController extends ConvectorController {
  //Just add this
  private static test(){}

  public async createSupplier() ....

Then run npm run test - there are no tests but shows the error.

diestrin commented 5 years ago

Thanks for reporting, I'll investigate this