hyperledger-labs / perun-node

State channel node of the blockchain-agnostic state channels framework Perun.
Apache License 2.0
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Add sentinel errors in go-perun, perun-node and use error codes in User API. #132

Closed manoranjith closed 3 years ago

manoranjith commented 4 years ago

Motivation / Context

Among the errors returned by the perun-node,

  1. Some errors are related to an external system such as "error in connecting to blockchain node" or "disconnected from blockchain node", that can be rectified by the user. These errors are currently not distinguished by perun node.
  2. Some errors from go-perun such as "channel propposal/channel update rejected by peer" are identified by checking for a specific phrase in the error message returned by go-perun.

These errors should be identified and the user of the API should be able to differentiate between different category of errors: Protocol errors, External system errors (that can be fixed by user), Perun-node internal errors etc.,


List of APIs (to track the ones that are completed):

Relates to


Thread Safety

manoranjith commented 4 years ago

Collecting info on information that needs to be added to error messages:

  1. In Error message returned when the timeout expires when waiting for an on-chain transaction to be confirmed, the transaction ID should be included, so that user can manually check the status of the transaction using other system. Currently (as shown below), only a message is printed.
    could not execute transaction: context deadline exceeded
anagha-ks commented 4 years ago
  1. If there is no sufficient balance in user's account when trying to send the amount to the peer, then the returned error should have a message that is insufficient balance in account to pay. (Specify current balance amount along with the error message to inform the user?)
anagha-ks commented 4 years ago
  1. Peer went offline or if peer not responding to a user's request.
anagha-ks commented 4 years ago
  1. Channel proposal or channel update rejection by the peer.
anagha-ks commented 4 years ago
  1. Channels not closed error message - If trying to close the session without closing the channels. Channel IDs that are to be closed should be included so that user can close those particular channels before closing the session.
anagha-ks commented 4 years ago
  1. Trying to pay an invalid currency - this can be handled by specifying all the perun-node supported currencies in the error message.
anagha-ks commented 4 years ago
  1. No active subscription found for some requests - may be suggest the subscriptions available for that particular request.
anagha-ks commented 4 years ago
  1. Already subscribed error message when trying to subscribe the already existing subscription - include subscription ID in the error message.
anagha-ks commented 4 years ago
  1. Validate contract returns an error message if there is invalid contracts at given address. Here if we return the address also with the error message, then user can see what is there at the given address and update accordingly.
manoranjith commented 3 years ago

@anagha-ks, among the listed scenarios, I have reacted +1 to the ones that I also think need to be added. I have questions regarding points 7 and 8. As far as I understand the current design of subscriptions, there seems to be no subscription ID as such. The client has to subscribe and that context to receive the notifications. In case of the current reference implementation (gRPC in golang), the messages are received by running a thread in background that calls a function which blocks until a new notification is received. If the client has unsubscribed, it is upto the client to close this thread.

So I am not sure, if we can return the possible subscriptions or subscription ID ?

manoranjith commented 3 years ago

I have tried to categorize the errors into 5 groups based on what impact they could have and how they should be handled. Errors returned by each API will fall into one of these categories.

Category Explanation Handling
Participant Caused by one of the channel participants not acting as per protocol Agree with peer outside of the system
Client Caused by the request from client. Could be error in arguments or the configuration provided by the client to access external systems. Use valid arguments, provide correct configuration to access external systems or fix the external systems; and retry.
Protocol Fatal Protocol aborted due to unexpected failure in external system. Could result in loss of funds. Requires manual inspection of the error
Internal Caused due to an error in the node. Requires manual inspection of the error

Below tables contains the different errors in each category. Additional info is fields in the error response that will contain data required for handling the error as key value pairs. The keys are predefined for each error. In case, the program is allowed to define additional custom keys, it is indicated by adding [additional-allowed].

Category Code Error Additional Info
Participant 101 Peer Response Timedout Peer alias, response timeout
Participant 102 Rejected by peer Peer alias, reason
Participant 103 Peer did not fund the channel in time Peer alias, Funding timeout
Participant 104 User response timeout expired Expiry Unix Time
Client 201 Resource not found Resource type, value
Client 202 Resource already exists Resource type, value
Client 203 Invalid arguments Argument name, value, reason
Client 204 Failed Pre-condition Reason, [additional-allowed]
Client 205 Invalid configuration Configuration name, value, required condition
Client 206 Blockchain node not reachable Address, Timeout
Client 207 Invalid contracts Contract Type, Contract Address
Protocol Fatal 301 Protocol aborted due to tx timeout Tx type, Tx ID, Tx Timeout
Protocol Fatal 302 Protocol aborted as blockchain node disconnected Tx type, Tx ID, Blockchain Node Addr
Internal 401 Unknown internal error Nil
Internal 402 Off-chain communication error Nil

Requesting feedback on this classification.

Update on 5.5.2021:

  1. Removed 2 protocol errors (insufficient balance for tx and insufficient funds for funding). Because in both these cases, the transaction will not mined. From the current implementation of the framework, it will interpreted as transaction timed out error.
  2. Renamed 206 "Blockchain node not reachable" to "Cannot connect to chain". This error represents connection error when initializing the node or a session.
manoranjith commented 3 years ago

Below, I listed the errors returned by each API by classifying them into one of the above categories. The first column Src contains where the error has to identified and defined as a sentinel error. N -> Node (perun-node) and F -> Framework (go-perun)

Additional info <> indicates it's i value identifying a particular entity or resource and will be filled in by the software when creating the error.

  1. Node.GetConfig (No error)

  2. Node.OpenSession

    Src Code Error message Additional Info
    N 205 Invalid session configuration Config name, config value, Required condition
    N 206 Blockchain node not reachable Address, Timeout
    N 207 Invalid contracts found at given address Contract type, contract address
  3. Node.Time (No error)

  4. Node.Help (No error)

  5. Session.AddContact

    Src Code Error message Additional Info
    N 201 Unknown Session ID Type: Session, Value:
    N 202 Peer ID already present under same alias Type: PeerAlias, Value:
    N 203 Peer Alias used by another peer id Name: PeerAlias, Value: <>, Reason: Used for another peer id.
    N 203 Invalid off-chain address Name: Offchain Address, Value: <>, Reason: <>
  6. Session.GetContact

    Src Code Error message Additional Info
    N 201 Unknown Session ID Type: Session, Value:
    N 201 Unknown Peer alias Type: PeerAlias, Value:
  7. Session.OpenPaymentChannel

    Src Code Error message Additional Info
    N 201 Unknown Session ID Type: Session, Value:
    N 201 Peer alias not found in ID provider Type: PeerAlias, Value:
    N 203 Invalid Amount Name: Amount, Value: <>, Reason: <>
    N 204 Invalid Currency Name: Currency, Value: <>, Reason: Supported currencies are
    F 101 Peer did not respond to channel proposal Peer alias, response timeout
    F 102 Peer rejected the channel proposal Peer alias, reason
    F 103 Peer did not fund the channel in time Peer alias, funding timeout
    F:heavy_check_mark: 301 Funding transaction timedout Tx Type: Funding, Tx ID: <>, Sender Addr: <>
    F 302 Insufficient funds for funding tx Tx Type: Funding, Tx ID: <>, Sender Addr: <>
    F 303 Blockchain node disconnected during funding tx Tx Type: Funding, Tx ID: <>, Blockchain Node Addr <>
    F 304 Insufficient balance for user
  8. Session.GetPaymentChannelsInfo

    Src Code Error message Additional Info
    N 201 Unknown Session ID Type: Session, Value:
  9. Session.SubscribeToPaymentChannelProposals

    Src Code Error message Additional Info
    N 201 Unknown Session ID Type: Session, Value:
    N 202 Subscription already exists Type: ChProposalSub, Value:
  10. Session.UnsubsubscribeFromPayChProposals

    Src Code Error message Additional Info
    N 201 Unknown Session ID Type: Session, Value:
    N 201 No Active subscription Type: ChProposalSub, Value:
  11. Session.RespondToPayChProposal

    Src Code Error message Additional Info
    N 201 Unknown Session ID Type: Session, Value:
    N 201 Unknown Proposal ID Type: Proposal, Value:
    N 104 User response timeout expired ExpiryUnixTimeStamp: <>
    F 402 Response not acknowledged by peer
    F 103 Peer did not fund the channel in time Peer alias, funding timeout
    F :heavy_check_mark: 301 Funding transaction timedout Tx Type: Funding, Tx ID: <>, Sender Addr: <>
    F 302 Insufficient funds for funding tx Tx Type: Funding, Tx ID: <>, Sender Addr: <>
    F 303 Blockchain node disconnected during funding tx Tx Type: Funding, Tx ID: <>, Blockchain Node Addr <>
    F 304 Insufficient balance for user
  12. Session.Close

    Src Code Error message Additional Info
    N 201 Unknown Session ID Type: Session, Value:
    N 204 Failed Pre-condition Reason: Session has open channels, OpenChannels:
  13. Channel.SendUpdate

    Src Code Error message Additional Info
    N 201 Unknown Session ID Type: Session, Value:
    N 201 Unknown Channel ID Type: Channel, Value:
    N 201 Peer Alias not a participant in this channel Type: PeerAlias, Value:
    N 203 Invalid Amount Name: Amount, Value: <>, Reason: <>
    N 204 Invalid Currency Name: Currency, Value: <>, Reason: Supported currencies are
    F 101 Peer did not respond to channel update Peer alias, response timeout
    F 102 Peer rejected the channel update Peer alias, reason
  14. Channel.SubscribeToPaymentChannelUpdates

    Src Code Error message Additional Info
    N 201 Unknown Session ID Type: Session, Value:
    N 201 Unknown Channel ID Type: Channel, Value:
    N 202 Subscription already exists Type: ChUpdateSub, Value:
  15. Channel.UnsubsubscribeFromPayChUpdates

    Src Code Error message Additional Info
    N 201 Unknown Session ID Type: Session, Value:
    N 201 Unknown Channel ID Type: Channel, Value:
    N 201 No Active subscription Type: ChUpdateSub, Value:
    1. Channel.RespondToPayChUpdates
    Src Code Error message Additional Info
    N 201 Unknown Session ID Type: Session, Value:
    N 201 Unknown Channel ID Type: Channel, Value:
    N 201 Unknown Update ID Type: Update, Value:
    N 104 User response timeout expired ExpiryUnixTimeStamp: <>
    F 402 Response not acknowledged by peer
  16. Channel.GetPayChInfo

    Src Code Error message Additional Info
    N 201 Unknown Session ID Type: Session, Value:
    N 201 Unknown Channel ID Type: Channel, Value:
  17. Channel.Close

    Src Code Error message Additional Info
    N 201 Unknown Session ID Type: Session, Value:
    N 201 Unknown Channel ID Type: Channel, Value:
    F 301 Finalizing transaction timedout Tx Type: Register, Tx ID: <>, Sender Addr: <>
    F 302 Insufficient funds for finalizing tx Tx Type: Register, Tx ID: <>, Sender Addr: <>
    F 303 Blockchain node disconnected during finalizing tx Tx Type: Register, Tx ID: <>, Blockchain Node Addr <>
    F 301 Withdrawing transaction timedout Tx Type: Withdraw, Tx ID: <>, Sender Addr: <>
    F 302 Insufficient funds for withdrawing tx Tx Type: Withdraw, Tx ID: <>, Sender Addr: <>
    F 303 Blockchain node disconnected during withdrawing tx Tx Type: Withdraw, Tx ID: <>, Blockchain Node Addr <>
manoranjith commented 3 years ago

@choeppler @danielksan81 @anagha-ks As discussed in the weekly call, I have updated the error classification to reflect the following changes, (For previous version, see the older revisions of the comment by clicking on edited button in the comment header)

  1. Merge the external safe error category into client error category . Because in both these cases, the source of error is the client request. The error could be in the requests itself (invalid arguments) or in the configuration provided by the client to access the external system. To fix this error which the user has to fix and retry the request.
  2. Rename external unsafe to protocol fatal error, because the term is more descriptive.
  3. Since we have one category lesser than previous, I have updated the error codes as well.
manoranjith commented 3 years ago

Also, to provide a context on the basis for the above classification.

  1. The classification into categories is done based on how the error should handled by the client.
  2. The classification further into specific errors is done based on what data fields will be required in the additional info field. Very rarely (only one case so far: 204 Failed Pre-condition), are additional fields optional allowed. In all other cases, they keys are fixed and it makes parsing on data easier on the client side independent of the programming language.
manoranjith commented 3 years ago

Looking into the code of go-perun framework, I noticed that some of the sentinel errors have already been defined. I am marking those with a :heavy_check_mark: after the F.

manoranjith commented 3 years ago

Re-opening the issue as the specification in the proposals repo needs to be updated and documentation needs to added for the API.