hyperledger-web3j / web3j-cli

Command-line interface for web3j
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failed to generate solidity #66

Open iaskwho opened 3 years ago

iaskwho commented 3 years ago

hi, uniswap contract generate java wrappers error,the abi code is here:https://etherscan.io/address/0x5C69bEe701ef814a2B6a3EDD4B1652CB9cc5aA6f#code

error,not a valid name:

➜  ~/Downloads/web3j-1.4.1/bin ./web3j generate solidity -a uni.abi -o ./ -p com.test
              _      _____ _ 
             | |    |____ (_)
__      _____| |__      / /_ 
\ \ /\ / / _ \ '_ \     \ \ |
 \ V  V /  __/ |_) |.___/ / |
  \_/\_/ \___|_.__/ \____/| |
                         _/ |
by Web3Labs
Generating com.test.Uni ... not a valid name: 
jacoblogananderson commented 3 years ago

same problem here on windows:

PS C:\Users\jacob\Development\uniswap-v2-core\contracts\output> web3j generate solidity -b UniswapV2Factory.bin -a UniswapV2Factory.abi -o .\output\java -p jacob.blockchain.arbitrageBot.contracts

| | | (_) _ | | / / \ \ /\ / / \ '_ \ \ \ | \ V V / / |) |./ / | _/_/ _|_./ ___/| | / | |/ by Web3Labs Generating jacob.blockchain.arbitrageBot.contracts.UniswapV2Factory ... not a valid name:

fastener commented 3 years ago

https://bscscan.com/address/0xca143ce32fe78f1f7019d7d551a6402fc5350c73#code I have the same problem

joelcho commented 2 years ago

check my answer here